How to delete corrupted ProDOS files that begin with an asterisk

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How to delete corrupted ProDOS files that begin with an asterisk

I cannot delete a couple of directories because they contain corrupted files that begin with an asterisk. This occurred from trying to get AppleWorks v 5.x to install correctly. The files and associated directories were deleted using the utilities that come with Prosel (8-bit) as this is all occurring inside of the AppleWin emulator. Both Prosel 8 and Prosel 16 utilities, the latter running under GSplus both indicate that the directories under discussion and the files within them do not exist on the volume under discussion. What I do not understand is why the 'catalog' or 'cat' commands continue to show the directories and the corrupted files within them. Is there any software utility than exists that can address this problem?

Thank You,

Stan Baker



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Have you tried with

Have you tried with CiderPress?

Last seen: 5 days 1 hour ago
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CVT wrote:Have you tried with
CVT wrote:

Have you tried with CiderPress?

Upon initially discovering this issue I created a new 32MB prodos hard drive image and manually copied the folder structure and all the files and folders therein EXCEPT the offending folders and corrupted files within them to the new hard drive image using CiderPress.

Currently, neither the original hard disk image nor the newly created hard drive image show the presence of the offending folders using CiderPress.

Neither the utilities included with Prosel 8 running in AppleWin nor Prosel 16 running in GSplus (with the offending hard disk image specified) are able to resolve this issue.

From the perspective of CiderPress, the offending directories do  not  exist. There are two folders named 'AW5INST' and 'APPLEWORKS' respectively that exist on both the 'original' and 'new' hard drive images. I have an MS Word document that contains screen shots of each of these folders showing the results of the 'cat' command as well as the results of Prosel's 'CAT DOCTOR 6.7'. In each case (either hard drive image), both of these folders are presented showing the corrupted files within them.

On the 'original' hard disk image, from within Prosel's 'CAT DOCTOR 6.7', all of the files appear to be present in the 'AW5INST' folder. Looking at either the 'AW.INITS' or 'TIMEOUT' folders returns a "MLI error : $51 Directory structure damage" error.

Trying to access the 'APPLEWORKS' folder via 'CAT DOCTOR 6.7' on the 'original' image simply retuns to the 'CAT DOCTOR 6.7' main menu which usually indicates that a folder has no files within it.


On the 'new' hard disk image, neither the 'AW5INST' nor the 'APPLEWORKS'  folders appear using Prosel's 'CAT DOCTOR 6.7'


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Re:How to delete corrupted ProDOS files that begin with an aster

The Copy ][ Disk utilities work really good..


 You will need a version that understands ProDOS, ( v6.xx and higher )


There is a BAD Version you should avoide,  v8.4 comes to mind...



Last seen: 5 days 1 hour ago
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pictures showing problems
Filepictures showing problems.docxsbaker51 wrote:
CVT wrote:

Have you tried with CiderPress?

Upon initially discovering this issue I created a new 32MB prodos hard drive image and manually copied the folder structure and all the files and folders therein EXCEPT the offending folders and corrupted files within them to the new hard drive image using CiderPress.



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Posts: 29
Resolution of how to delete corrupted ProDOS files

It appears I may have successfully resolved the issue.

The ‘solution’ was a combination of replacing the existing copies of prodos and basic.sysem, running the Prosel utility ‘MR. FIXIT’ specifying ‘main directory repair’ as the option and saying ‘no’ to the ‘Assume valid bit map?’ question.

On completion of the directory repair, it was necessary to run a ‘fix’ to write the changes to disk, followed by using ‘CAT DOCTOR’ to delete the ‘APPLEWORKS’ directory.

Trying to delete the ‘AW5INST’ directory did not appear to work via ‘CAT DOCTOR’ as the ‘AW5INST’ folder still appeared when using the ‘CAT’ command at the ProDOS/BASIC.SYSTEM command line despite the files within the ‘AW5INST’ directory having been successfully deleted. It was however successfully removed at this point using Apple System Utilities v3.1.

Thank you to those who took the time to respond!

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