Hi, since this community could help me identifying my Apple II clone, I hope, you also can help me out on those two cards, I got with an Apple II lot:
The first one, I think it is an eprom burner, but I have no clue, what make or type, nor I have any documentaion or software for it:
The next one I do not have a clue, what it is at all... The short module has a 50-pin-connector, so I think, it is for the Apple II. The large part ends up to a dip-28-socket. The short board also features 2 12-pin-headers, which could be a socket for a dip-24-chip (an eprom maybe?), the both boards are connected by a 34-pin-ribbon-cable - I'd be appreciated in all info about it... or at least guesses...
I hope, you can help me ;)
OK... for the eprom burner I found, that this one is likely a "Springman Eprom Programmer"