Hardwire iPad to bypass battery

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Joined: Nov 19 2014 - 19:01
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Hardwire iPad to bypass battery

Hi there,

Does anybody have input or experience on how one would go about hardwiring power to an iPad? I have an old iPad 1 that serves as a coffee table device for controlling my home theatre but it's gone the same way as my last out of warranty swap - the battery no longer charges when the iPad is powered on. To get it to charge, I have to plug it in, power it off and leave it overnight and then it's back up to 100%. Thoughts? Thank you kindly in advance.

Last seen: 28 min 12 sec ago
Joined: Jun 18 2010 - 13:54
Posts: 802
Re: Hardwire iPad to bypass battery

Are you using the ORIGINAL Apple charger that came with the iPad?

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