I'm in the process of recovering files from a dead SCSI hard disk that contained ProDOS volumes on my IIGS. I was able to recover some files from the drive but it appears that the file types did not come along for the ride. GS/OS itself will not start up, complaining about system files being the wrong file type. When I examine the contents of the disk in GS/OS (starting up from a differnt boot disk) I can see that the icons are all blank documents, leading me to believe that the file types are missing.
Is there a way to restore file types or do I need to try a different method of data recovery?
Maybe a better way to go is to try and do clean from scratrch install of GSOS on a new solid state volume - like a MicroDrive/Turbo.
Then connect your old SCSI drive and copy files over one by one saving as much as you can.
I think you might be right. I'll try that and see what I can do.