FS: Apple IIgs 1MB + TranswarpGS + HiSpeedSCSI

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Joined: Apr 1 2005 - 14:31
Posts: 117
FS: Apple IIgs 1MB + TranswarpGS + HiSpeedSCSI

I'm selling one of my IIgs machines. Comes with a fully-populated 1MB Apple memory card, a getting-rare Transwarp GS accelerator and an Apple Hi-Speed SCSI card (very compatible with SCSI hard drives and CDROM drives). Transwarp GS crystal is 28 MHz (resulting in a 7 MHz system), but could easily be upgraded if you decide on experimenting with faster speeds.

Tested with System 6.0.1 installed on a hard disk and everything boots up properly. Only the system unit and cards are included. The monitor, keyboard, mouse, drives, and cables in the pictures were used for testing and are not included.

$425 shipped lower 48.
