Franklin ACE 1000 character ROM image?

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Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
Joined: Feb 6 2021 - 03:34
Posts: 56
Franklin ACE 1000 character ROM image?

Hello.  This is my first time posting, although I've been browsing the forums for a few years.

I'm resurrecting a Franklin ACE 1000.  All of the EPROMs appear to be okay, with the exception of the character generator ROM.

It appears to be a "Power Case" ROM, burned onto a white '97 Intel C2716.  It appears to be dying with random bit flips.

I've found exactly one reference to this ROM, and no extant dumps.  Would anyone happen to have an image of this?

Failing that, is there a dump of the stock ROM available anywhere?  I've found a few dumps of the rest of the ACE ROMs, but not the character ROM.

Thanks in advance!

Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: Mar 31 2020 - 19:55
Posts: 848
I have an ACE 1200 with a

I have an ACE 1200 with a good char ROM (and bad FDC), but I need a convienent way to dump it. If someone wants to wait for me to do it, then I also plan to dump the KB ROM from my Beltron (super smart design with common BASIC shortcuts) and some other things, but me funds are tight right now. 


If you want to donate an EPROM reader/programmer that can work with Win7, I will be more than happy to dump those all; and I am still looking for a way to dump my prototype Elsei ROMs. I feel as if there was a 68K Mac utility that dumped ROM to disk, but IDR what it was called, and those may also e EPROMs, so I could do them, too. 

Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
Joined: Feb 6 2021 - 03:34
Posts: 56
I think I still have a spare

I think I still have a spare TL866+; these units work on Windows 7 the last time I checked -- I'm now using a Linux minipro utility.


I'll need to rummage through my work room.  When I find it, it's yours if you want it.


Thanks for offering to dump ROMS, much appreciated.


Edit: the TL866+ was in the first box I looked at.  PM me a mailing address and I'll send it along.

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