I have read elsewhere that Fortran for the Apple II comes on two floppies, but the second disk is of a different format? (I have not seen it as a .dsk image). Can anyone tell me if a .dsk image is available or an easy way to do it from the disk 2 .nib image.
Go here and check thier software listing:
Thanks Steven,
Checked the site but no listings for Fortran.
Good source for Apple stuff though,
It does come on two floppies. The second floppy is copy protected, and so is in .nib format (an imperfect virtual disk format that encapsulates some light copy protection schemes). What that means in this situation is that it's not translatable to .dsk without someone breaking the copy protection scheme and "de-protecting" the disk. It also means you'll not be able to transfer the .nib via ADTPro to run it on the real machine.
Thanks David,
Is it possible to get hold of original disks from somewhere (if someone has them to sell!) or are there any versions of Fortran that will run on a IIe? I've heard there are versions that run under CP/M so I suppose I could get a Z80card.
Thanks for any help.
I now have a Z80 softcard which works fine with a CP/M boot disk. The Fortran80 disk that I made using the image transfer with ADTPro however is not recognized. I was wondering if this had to be created under CP/M (different format?) but I do not know how to do this.
I feel I am nearly there...!
All good now....
I have Fortran 80 running under CP/M
Job done.