I'm having trouble uploading images into postings using the "Media browser" function and likewise the "File attachements" function.
I've tried with numerous images and different file formats but they all give me the same "The file could not be uploaded" despite being way below 2 MB in size and within the accepted file formats (JPG and PNG in my case). I haven't had any issues in the past with this. If others are having similar problems, perhaps there's something wrong at the server-end of the forum...
Same here. Investigating.
Looks like it's an issue with the media module. There's an update available that I'll run tonight. If that doesn't fix it, I'll look closer.
I think the new update took care of it. Still doing a little testing, but I'm also on fastnacht-tasting duty right now, so I'm a bit distracted.
I also see there's an error with advanced_forum_get_reply_link() that I'm looking into.
Unfortunately it's still not working at my end. I'm still getting the same "File could not be uploaded" message when trying to upload any image in the Media browser.
I've also tried using a different web browser (Safari) along with Firefox, both on the Mac platform. No difference.
I'll try it on another computer and get back here if it makes any difference (EDIT: just tried it (on another Mac) and it didn't work there either).
Huh. It's not working for me now, either. I'll take a closer look this evening.
The drive was full. 50GB! I've cleared out the logs, which eliminated the immediate problem.
Thanks for looking into it and locating the problem!
I just tried it out and it appears to work now :-)