I really want to transfer programs I downloaded online to my Apple //'s. My method of transferring would be quite simple yet complex, but i won't bore you with deals. My question is, if pop in new ROMs for my apple //'s would they like reading and writing from 3.5 disks? or should I just buy a 5.25 external drive for the macintosh and transfer it that way?
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Unless you really want to do things the hard way, you could just use ADT Pro.
as mentioned by others, ADTpro is the shortest path. There's no easy way of getting a Mac to work with a 5.25" drive for Apple II. Getting Apple II to work with 3.5" drive is an expensive endeavor. USB to serial dongles are everywhere and can be had cheaply (under $5 shipped on fleaBay.) This assumes you have a SSC for the II; if not, SSC is a lot easier to locate than 3.5" cards.
Maybe you'd better bore us with the details. Putting a 5.25" disk on a Macintosh (as your subject suggests), or putting a 3.5" disk on an Apple II (as quote above suggests) are both expensive and nonsensical solutions. They're both fish out of water. What equipment do you have to work with now?
What I have:
-Macintosh Plus running OS 6
-Macintosh SE/30
-an external 3.5" (800k) floppy drive
-apple //e
-apple //c
-printer cord (for //c)
-external 5.25 floppy drive
My Process:
step 1: Transfer my downloaded apple//c content to a external USB "jump" drive.
step 2: plug my jump-drive into my iMac G3 and format them into .DSK
step 3: Transfer the //c file to a floppy disk (formatted at 1.44)
step 4: Pop the 1.44 floppy into the Macintosh SE/30
step 5: Transfer //c files to external 5.25 disk
If I bought the upgraded ROM for the //c, would I be able to skip the 5.25 disk transfer process and just go from iMac to //c???
Seeing that the upgraded ROM would allow Uni-disk 3.5 floppies..
a little off topic, how do I scroll on the apple //c?
I'm working on a program and there's more text than screen, how can scroll back up?
Do you think i could use the printer cord that came with my apple //c and wire it by hand down from a 25 pin to the 9 pin? would that even be possible or do I have to piss away 20 dollars on a special cord from ADTpro?
Ok, that's a lot of steps.
Upgrade ROM for IIc does nothing for you in this respect.
That ROM buys you support for UniDisk 3.5 (which by the way runs about $80 a pop.)
MacOS last supported ProDOS in 7.x time frame, and your iMac won't run OS 7.x.
If the printer cable you got has DB25 on one end, it's probably a null modem cable and should just work.
You can couple that with a USB/RS232 cable (get one that includes 9 to 25 pin adapter) and run ADTpro.
There's no scroll-back buffer on the II. Keep in mind the machine was designed in the late 70s.
Re: scrolling up: in most cases, you can't. That text is lost. Try using the Beagle Bros Program Writer for scrolling and more enhanced Applesoft editing.
AFAIK, you'll need an interface card along with the 5.25" drive for any Mac. That's a more serious limiting factor/proposition than buying the drive from what I've seen.
I think you're referring to the PC 5.25" drive. That drive exists for transferring files between PC (FAT) formatted disk and Mac. It absolutely will NOT read an Apple II formatted disk.