External Apple IIGS Hard Disk Drive

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Joined: Apr 11 2020 - 20:50
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External Apple IIGS Hard Disk Drive
Image icon Front of the HDD11.43 MB
Image icon Back of the HDD5.03 MB
Image icon SCSI cable12.2 MB
Image icon RamFAST card15.12 MB
Image icon RamFAST in slot 617.15 MB
Image icon Unknown cable12.67 MB

I have an Apple II GS with the RamFAST Rev D card and an external hard drive. All of the hardware is from my childhood and I'd like to access the drive to copy everything over via ADTPro. The II GS and external disk drives all work fine. However, I'm puzzling out how to connect and run the hard drive. I have a SCSI cable that connects to the RamFast card, and I have another unknown cable that appears to connect the HDD via a small circular port to either a disk drive or the smart port (see pictures attached). There's also a SCSI terminator. The drive has a power switch and, after talking with my dad, he remembered it requiring a power cable. However, neither of the pairs of ports on the back of the hard drive look like the usual three prong power ports I've seen on other IIGS peripherals online.


Looking over the RamFast Rev D manual (https://archive.org/details/RAMFast_SCSI_Rev._D_Owners_Manual/page/n35/mode/2up?view=theater), on page 35, it sounds like the card can provide power to some peripherals; could that be the case here?



I haven't been able to find the documentation for the hard drive and there's a good chance it's lost.


Last seen: 16 hours 34 min ago
Joined: Jun 29 2018 - 16:55
Posts: 594
I would wager the round

I would wager the round connectors are power.


The other / mystery cable might be for powering this device from the floppy port? Pure speculation on my part there. But in a way, functionally it would make sense. 

Last seen: 21 hours 57 min ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 593
The Ramfast will provide

The Ramfast will provide Termination power for the SCSI bus but it won't  provide power to run a hard drive.

I have a similiar hard drive on a Mac Plus that gets power off the floppy port

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