Hey there,
I'm looking for some kind of a repair guide for a DuoDisk. At this point it may be the controller or the drive itself. Symptom at present is that Drive 1 is always selected regardless of what's chosen in dos, or copy proggy...
Thanks for your time
This page should help ahead:http://www.appleii-box.de/H084_9_AppleIIDiskService9.htm
there are several links to related pages.SpeedyG
Thanks, I've seen that page, while generally helpful didn't seem to cover this problem. Maybe I need to read it more carefully ;) I was kind of hoping this would be a fairly simple heres your likely problems go to it. At the moment I can't tell if its the drive controller, which doesn't appear to be covered, but as I say, I'll go back and read more carefully :)
Thanks again,
Is there anything that says what the device select signals should look like or where they come from? I can't find anything about that anywhere
Check out: DuoDisk cable pinout
Specifically look at ENBL A and B signals. If they are incorrect coming from the controller card, try replacing the 74LS132.
That doesn't help me much. Ideally I need some information about what the device enable signal should look like, what actually makes the signal, and just where it actually goes to inside the Duo.
Thanks for your time, but you don't seem to be able to help me there either.