Disk II Application Note: Anyone here purchase this item from ebay? I'm interested in some of the "extras"

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Disk II Application Note: Anyone here purchase this item from ebay? I'm interested in some of the "extras"

A few weeks back there was a listing on ebay for basically the Apple II Redbook, but along with those are some extra "paperwork".

The extras seem to include things like at least a monitor schematic, circuits analysis, and some other intersting paperwork.


I'm wondering if someone here was the high bidder, and if so... would you share scans of the other stuff?  Please... =)


ORIGINAL Apple II Red Book Reference Manual 1978 PLUS EXTRA PAPERWORK

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...but you can download a PDF

...but you can download a PDF of the red book on-line.


Last seen: 46 min 13 sec ago
Joined: May 31 2022 - 18:18
Posts: 367
Thanks. I thought I had

Thanks. I thought I had covered that in the message but it appears not... the red book is not my interest, I don't need the PDF because I've got the book.

It's all the other stuff which caught my eye.

Tom Owad's picture
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Wasn't me, but only because I

Wasn't me, but only because I didn't see it! I hope the buyer shows up.

Last seen: 3 hours 51 min ago
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Posts: 594
I am not the buyer, but, I

I am not the buyer, but, I may have some of these documents tucked away.


I know I have the sheet with the photo in the 12th picture regarding pin1 of the disk II card (that one is common? I don't know), and I recall the Disk II Application Note title sounding familiar. If there is anything else specific and identifiable visible in the listing or otherwise that you'd like me to look for, and see if it's amongst my things, let me know. 

Last seen: 46 min 13 sec ago
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Posts: 367
skate323k137 wrote:I am not
skate323k137 wrote:

I am not the buyer, but, I may have some of these documents tucked away.


I know I have the sheet with the photo in the 12th picture regarding pin1 of the disk II card (that one is common? I don't know), and I recall the Disk II Application Note title sounding familiar. If there is anything else specific and identifiable visible in the listing or otherwise that you'd


Thanks, It's interesting I don't recall putting the Disk II Applicatoin Note in my title! But yeah that note kinda points out the obvious for those that don't know. =)

Some of the other notes and signal timings looked interesting, expect there is more. The were working on some mods, I'm curious what they were researching. the original owner was clearly an computer engineer. 

There was a Dispaly Monitor notes, and monitor service manuals and schematics,. There's enough shown to have me interested in what else is there. 

Last seen: 3 hours 51 min ago
Joined: Jun 29 2018 - 16:55
Posts: 594
jeff d wrote:Thanks, It's
jeff d wrote:

Thanks, It's interesting I don't recall putting the Disk II Applicatoin Note in my title! But yeah that note kinda points out the obvious for those that don't know. =)

Some of the other notes and signal timings looked interesting, expect there is more. The were working on some mods, I'm curious what they were researching. the original owner was clearly an computer engineer. 

There was a Dispaly Monitor notes, and monitor service manuals and schematics,. There's enough shown to have me interested in what else is there. 



Here is a photo (as well as a link to a gallery with a few more pictures representing each setion of the main photo) of all the documents I had adjacent to my red book that look along these lines. I was not the original recipient but I took a photo of the envelope post mark for refernce. Some of the documents are a single page double sided, some are in the range of 10-20 pages or so.  A couple are photocopied articles and I know this issue of the education news is archived as I've checked recently. Let me know if any in particular are unarchived or unknown and I'll make them a prioirty to scan one of these days/weeks coming up. You'll probably need to browse the gallery link for all the titles to be legible. 






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