Colour output PAL Apple IIe ???

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Colour output PAL Apple IIe ???

Hello all,
Could someone elaborate on this entry I found regarding the info on the German Apple IIe? Is this model capable of displaying colour via the onboard video output? Or do I need a graphics card of some sort?


When the IIe was released, other modifications were made. The German version was built with an external switch below the keyboard, allowing the user to change between a standard U.S. layout and a German layout. (American versions of the IIe lacked the switch, but had a place on the motherboard that could be modified to allow a Dvorak keyboard layout to be switched in instead of the standard keyboard). The IIe auxiliary slot, which was placed in line with the old slot 0 on American versions (but moved forward on the motherboard) was placed in front of slot 3 on German versions, to accommodate the PAL video circuitry. Because the 80-column firmware was mapped to slot 3, if an 80-column card was installed in the auxiliary slot it was not possible to use any other card in slot 3. Versions of the IIe made for other European countries had similar modifications to account for regional differences.


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Re: Colour output PAL Apple IIe ???

Just several short explanations:
The differences between US and European Versions:
The switch was just used to toggle between US kayboard and German keyboard and in Position of "German" Keyboard the special vocals were displayed - thats nothing related to the color.....;
The US Version has NTSC timing for US Color Displays and the European version had PAL-Timing for color-display - this was dependent to the Version of the used Chipsets ( IOU , Videochip, and HAL-chip ) and that had effect to the signal at the output chinch at the rear and was independent from Slot 3 - but this has effect to the color !
The move of the auxiliary Slot was more a question of layout and not really affected the color of the output - but - several Cards for the auxiliary slot designed for the US-version don´t fit in the european version because they crash at the backpanel ( for example the RAMWORKS in the US Version won´t fit in the German version with the moved slot ) ....

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Re: Colour output PAL Apple IIe ???

thanks for the reply. I was trying to confirm that my model was able to display colour via the default video out port. As I saw mixed reports on the Internet and as I've not managed to get colour output yet I was questioning whether my model could display colour. I'll keep posting my progress and see what I discover.

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Re: Colour output PAL Apple IIe ???


I've never got colour out of my pal /uk iie enhanced.

one of the forum members was extremely helpful to me with this here a few months ago - it should be easy to find. however I gave up and swapped the motherboard for an ntsc one and..i now have colour

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Re: Colour output PAL Apple IIe ???

Mine is a German version but I've seen the PAL UK version and there should be a switch on the motherboard which you can flip between monochrome and colour.

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Re: Colour output PAL Apple IIe ???

a switch on the motherboard... intriguing! please do you or anyone else have any more information PLEASE about this?/


speedyG's picture
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Re: Colour output PAL Apple IIe ???

This switch is determined to select between the Oscilation from OSC1 or Osc2. The switch affects the colorsignal by that way that it shall sharpen the display in the 80 col monochrome mode to get better display of the pixels and therefor less stressing by reading text in 80 col monochrome text mode. It shifts the videosignal a little bit. In some cases it also affects the colorsignal. See page 181 in the apple IIe Reference Manual at the bottom right section of the circuitplan.

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Mine has this switch in the

Mine has this switch in the OS1 position.

It doesn't seem to do much to sharpen 80 col mode, but the background goes from black to a sort of reddish black when I flick it over.

Unfortunately my current composite monitor isn't brilliant, so that may be a factor, but it does 'do something'.

Mine ia a UK ][e and has the 2nd switch, which changes the key 3 shift output between £ and #. Doesn't seem to do much else. 

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