Checking if a 16k memory card is working

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Checking if a 16k memory card is working

I am trying to get ADTpro to download onto my Apple II Europlus. Everything appears to work fine and the code begins to download until it stops around 95% through the process with an error 'RELOCATION/ CONFIGURATION ERRO'.

I made some enquiries and realised I need 64k to get ADTpro to work and so put some brand new memory chips into a 16k card I had and put it into the machine. The machine successfully ran the 48k test described elsewhere on this forum, but I am wondering if I have a problem on this card meaning I dont have the full 64k available. With the RAM card on board, the ADTpro download fails at roughly the same point. I dont have any diagnostic software disks to look at for help.


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Re: Checking if a 16k memory card is working

Well it sounds like it is the card or a chip on the card. I would Turn off the power. Unplug the machine and pull the card. I would reseat all of the chips. I might be even inclined to slightly remove them after I reseated them. That is slightly pry them up to reseat them a second time and to clean the insertion edge of the card. Then try it again. I am sure some one should come up with some software that will help you further.

Take Care

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Re: Checking if a 16k memory card is working

Hello Atomtan,

You can use the diagnostic dealer disc available at Mac GUI.
In the "interface card" menu, there is a dedicated entry for the language card. If one (or more) chip is bad, it will tell you which one.

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