CFFA3000 and AppleWorks

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CFFA3000 and AppleWorks

Is is possible to use AppleWorks to save a file to a CFFA3000 virtual disk? I have the AppleWorks disks in emulated Drive 1 and a blank disk in emulated Drive 2. DOS and ProDOS can read and write the emulated disk just fine, but AppleWorks says "Can't write to disk" when I try to save something to it.

If I try to format the emulated disk 2 from inside AppleWorks, it says there's a problem with the drive speed.

Any ideas?

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Re: CFFA3000 and AppleWorks

Before anybody can answer, you first must give more information !
Which Version / Revision of Appleworks are you using and which version of ProDOS ???
Remember that Appleworks has Revisions/Versions from 1.0 up to 5.0 !!!
And ProDOS has versions from 1.02 up till 2.03 ! Not to talk about that Appleworks
versions running on IIGS with system 5 or system 6.0 or 6.1 !
Without that informations you demand the experts here just to guess around...
that´s like tossing dices !

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Re: CFFA3000 and AppleWorks

If I try to format the emulated disk 2 from inside AppleWorks, it says there's a problem with the drive speed.

In the CFFA3000 control panel, see Option 7 'OTHER OPTIONS', then Option 4 'PATCH DOS RWTS FOR SPEED'. By default, it's set to 'Yes'. Try changing to 'No' and testing it.

Here's an excellent starter video with information on some of the CFFA Control Panel options:

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Re: CFFA3000 and AppleWorks

If I try to format the emulated disk 2 from inside AppleWorks, it says there's a problem with the drive speed.

You don't want to do this - the Disk II emulation isn't to the point that it can convince formatting routines that the timing is right. All you need to do is to create a blank disk image with whatever tools you use now - CiderPress, AppleCommander, or whatever - and feed that to the CFFA3000 in drive 2. See P. 14 of your reference manual, "Special Note: Formatting of Virtual Floppy Disks."

The CFFA3000 can also produce a blank disk image, but it's really, really blank - as in all zeroes. You'd still need a way to 'format' it in the sense of writing the filesystem structures on it. So you're better off just creating a new (ProDOS) disk image on the outside and copying that to your CFFA3000.

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Re: CFFA3000 and AppleWorks

Good point, Speedy. I'm using AppleWorks 2.0 on an Apple //e (enhanced) with the latest CFFA3000.

David, I did try your suggestion of formatting a diskette "manually" and then making an image of that. Nope. In fact, I can't save to any disk image, including the second AppleWordk 2.0 disk, which has a few kb free. In other words, AppleWorks 2.0 doesn't seem to be able to write to any emulated disk.

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Re: CFFA3000 and AppleWorks

If I try to format the emulated disk 2 from inside AppleWorks, it says there's a problem with the drive speed.

In the CFFA3000 control panel, see Option 7 'OTHER OPTIONS', then Option 4 'PATCH DOS RWTS FOR SPEED'. By default, it's set to 'Yes'. Try changing to 'No' and testing it.

When I did that, attempting to do anything with a real or emulated disk crashes into the monitor. Of course, I note that the explanatory text says this is only for DOS 3.3, and AppleWorks 2.0 is based on ProDOS You'd think this setting would have no effect at all in that case.

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Re: CFFA3000 and AppleWorks

This is starting to sound like a deeper problem than AppleWorks. Going back to basics - are you able to successfully write to any disk images at all? Like from within DOS, saving a little program or anything?

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Re: CFFA3000 and AppleWorks

Good point, Speedy. I'm using AppleWorks 2.0 on an Apple //e (enhanced) with the latest CFFA3000.

David, I did try your suggestion of formatting a diskette "manually" and then making an image of that. Nope. In fact, I can't save to any disk image, including the second AppleWordk 2.0 disk, which has a few kb free. In other words, AppleWorks 2.0 doesn't seem to be able to write to any emulated disk.

That´s in fact the point. The images of Appleworks 2.0 running around use ProDOS 1.1.1 and in most cases that
does not really support large drives.....
If you want to get the old feeling then you have to move that files from an image with ProDOS 1.1.1 to
Diskimage with8-Bit Version of 2.03 of ProDOS ... or better in an own subdirectory of the CFFA3000 without
using the image-option but instead using the CFFA just like a large harddisk with subdirectories
and volumes...

or just the most easy solution:

pick up the Version 4.0 of Appleworks ... it supports wide list of large RAMcards and it supports large volumes.....
you can check this easily by inspecting the RAMspace availiable in Appleworks on Desktop while RAMWORKS2 or RAMworks3
or Apple slinky card is present..... if you have more than 762 kB availiable your on the correct trail....

I haven´t tried Appleworks 5.0 yet on Apple IIe - but i guess if 1MB RAMcard is present - it might work on IIe also
and not be restricted to Use at the IIGS.... it´s at least worth a try...


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Re: CFFA3000 and AppleWorks

Well, the problem appears to have been some settings on the AE TransWarp card I have.

When I got the CFFA3000, I moved my disk controller to Slot 5, but hadn't used it since. Trying to create some new AppleWorks disks with ADTPro, I found I was unable to use the drives with the controller in slot 5 at all, but it worked fine in slot 6. This triggered a vague memory of TransWarp switches you could set to tell it which slots had to run at 1mHz. Adjusting those fixed the Disk II operation problem, and I was then able to create a good "blank" disk image that I can now write to on the CFFA3000. So, problem solved.

AppleWorks 4.0, huh? I have...let's see...apparently this was released by Quality Computers. has 5.0, but not 4.0.

So I made the 5 AppleWorks 5.0 disks, but when I boot from the first one, it gets part way into the boot and then displays the message "Unable to load /MOVE1/SEG.AM".

Any ideas there? Although I suppose it's hardly critical...

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Re: CFFA3000 and AppleWorks

There was also a Beagle Bros. version - i believe 5.0 or 5.1 - the alternate version was from Quality Computers......
and the 5.x is distributed with 4 or 5 disks and they have to be shuffeled during first time installation to hardddisk... the instruction on that procedure is within the manual..... while installation is made the printer and the Harddisk and it´s ProDOS path will be required.... after that you will have a clean smooth working version on harddisk ( i.e. on CFFA3000 ) and you can handle files up to 5 MB size... ( for large databases ) ..... so it´s worth offering some time with the installation.... instead of using a disk based version....

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