Hi folks....
I went to the color classic FAQ and found this:
and I also found this:
My CC logic board had a battery left in it, and when I opened it up, the battery had leaked all over the logic board. Using contact cleaner, I was able to get a lot of the goop off, but a small component, which looks like a capacitor broke off, and two chips, marked U3 and U4 still have slime on them. The component that looks like a cap I believe came from Y1. The can says "FIJAPAN" on it.
Because U3 and U4 are in such bad shape, I may not be able to rebuild the board. I wish U3 and U4 were in a socket, but they are not.
Can someone me what Y1 is?
I will try to figure out how to post photos to this forum so you can see what I am taking about.
Y1 indicates a crystal oscillator. It is a rectangular can near the connector. I think it is the clock source for the processor (I can't say for sure, because I don't own a Colour Classic).
Thanks. I will try to post some photos today.
That does look like a small crystal. The one on my CC's motherboard has the marking S3238E on it:
Looks like the SE/30's motherboard uses the same part:
FYI, the main crystal is located at G1, between the edge connector and VLSI graphics chip.
I believe my CC board is too far gone to repair. I believe I am going to do a logic board swap. I will try to post photos. I hope the photos make it.
Humm. I am not smart enought to figure out how the the photo attachmnet (under the word "COMMENT") works. I also tried to drag and drop from my desktop to this, but that did not work.
Can someopne give me a top on how to file attach photos to posts like this?
jack the new kid