Booting to DOS with AppleWin in Apple ][ original mode

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Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: May 11 2021 - 04:34
Posts: 24
Booting to DOS with AppleWin in Apple ][ original mode

In AppleWin, if I set up the emulator to Apple II original, I can boot to the monitor and then switch to Integer BASIC with CTRL/B+ENTER, but I can't find a reliable way to boot to DOS.

If I set up the virtual disk drive (1) with a DOS boot disk, and reboot the emulator, it still boots to the monitor, as it does if I double click the .do disk image.

The only way I found to boot to Apple II original mode with the DOS available is to switch to another machine (eg. Apple II+), reboot the emulator, then switch back to Apple II original and reboot once again.

This way I get to the DOS prompt (albeit with a FILE NOT FOUND error) and I can access Integer BASIC programs on the virtual disk with LOAD.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a glitch with AppleWin? (I found no evident settings to populate the virtual expansion slots).

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Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: May 11 2021 - 04:34
Posts: 24
Ok, so if at the integer

Ok, so if at the integer BASIC prompt I enter PR#6 I have the DOS commands available,provided I insert a proper DOS 3.3 disk in the virtual drive (the Master.dsk provided with AppleWin, with just the HELLO file, will not do).

If I insert any other virtual disk image in the virtual drive, with PR#6 I get a FILE NOT FOUND error but then I have DOS available anyway.

What are the files that it's looking for specifically, that have to be on the disk in all cases?

Last seen: 2 hours 15 min ago
Joined: Jun 18 2010 - 13:54
Posts: 807
When a DOS 3.3 disk is booted

When a DOS 3.3 disk is booted, it looks to run the file named when the disk was INIT'd (e.g. INIT HELLO).

HELLO is the most commonly used name but it could be anything; and it can be changed with programs like COPY II PLUS.

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Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: May 11 2021 - 04:34
Posts: 24
I see, thanks. Though I don't

I see, thanks. Though I don't know why AppleWin's "master disk" (which "works" in Apple II+ mode) gives a "File not found" in Apple II original mode (it apparently was init'd with HELLO and the file is there).

Last seen: 2 hours 15 min ago
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Posts: 807
You should check the HELLO

You should check the HELLO program on that disk. It might be trying to load a language card with FPBASIC on the Apple II. And that may be the missing file.

Last seen: 6 hours 26 min ago
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Starting up Applewin in Apple

Starting up Applewin in Apple II original mode I get a screen of alternating ?? and inverse @@ characters which indicates a non-autostart F8 ROM, normal for this setup.

At the monitor prompt *:  typing 6<CTRL>P <RETURN> boots the disk image in S6,D1, in this case the DOS 3.3 system master, side 2.

It boots to a screen that says:


DOS VERSION 3.3                                 08/25/80

APPLE II STANDARD                           SYSTEM MASTER




It doesn't say "LOADING APPLESOFT INTO LANGUAGE CARD" insinuating that there is no language card present.  Typing "FP" at the ">" clars the screen and returns to the prompt as shown above.


If I switch to APPLE II Plus mode

It autoboots the disk in S6,D1 boots to a screen that says

DOS VERSION 3.3                                 08/25/80






Typing "INT" brings up the ">" prompt.  Typing "FP" brings up the applesoft "]" prompt as normal.


But like you said, if I then switch the configuration back to Apple II Original mode and press the Apple symbol to reboot, Applewin auto-boots S6,D1 as if it had an autostart F8 ROM, and boots to the following screen:

DOS VERSION 3.3                                 08/25/80

APPLE II STANDARD                           SYSTEM MASTER





It brings me to the Integer prompt, and typing "FP" brings up the Applesoft prompt.

So it looks like Applewin is configures now as an original II with a language card and an autostart F8 ROM. 


An interesting bug in Applewin.



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