Hi, this program keeps giving me an error err Tab in line 40. Anyone know what to do to fix it?
Here is the script:
10 DIM A$(64)
20 A$="!@#$%^&*()+{}|:<>?/.,';][\=-1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
30 GOSUB 1000
40 TAB 3:GOSUB 1000
50 TAB 5:GOSUB 1000
60 TAB 7:GOSUB 1000
70 TAB 10:GOSUB 1000
80 TAB 13:GOSUB 1000
90 TAB 15:GOSUB 1000
100 TAB 17:GOSUB 1000
110 TAB 20:GOSUB 1000
110 TAB 23:GOSUB 1000
120 TAB 25:GOSUB 1000
130 TAB 27:GOSUB 1000
140 TAB 30:GOSUB 1000
150 TAB 33:GOSUB 1000
160 TAB 35:GOSUB 1000
170 TAB 38:GOSUB 1000
1000 A=RND(64)+1:PRINT A$(A,A);:RETURN
1010 END
Might be an inadvertent control character typed in line 40. Try re-entering the line?
I'm assuming that this is an Integer BASIC program. Otherwise, you're using RND on line 1000 incorrectly for an Applesoft program.
Is this the expected output?
Yes that's the intended output, still can't get it to work tho :/. Gonna try reentering it tomorrow, my replica I's at school
OK, I just tried it on my Mimeo, and it works fine.
Let me tell you why.... I also verified the following code changes fixes everything....
20 A$="!@#$%^&*()+:<>?/.,';][=-1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
1000 A=RND(60)+1:PRINT A$(A,A);:RETURN
Ok, I'm being lazy you can also change the DIM in line 10...
On the Mimeo and a real Apple-1 the terminal section ignores your invalid characters that don't exit in the Apple-1's character set.
On the Replica-1, the terminal (emulated in a propeller chip) accepts them, basic just doesn't know what to do with them so it get's a little funky. I could research more, but no real need.
Anyway, that's the answer... Verified on both Apple-1 hardware(Mimeo) and Replica-1 hardware (Rev-3)
Sorry I didn't get to test this sooner for you. Was stuck on a problem with my Altair and a processor tech card taking down the whole bus. I wanted to get some progress on that before I moved on to looking at something else.
Thank you Corey! Works now
Thank you Corey! Works now
90 D = 5000: GOSUB 1010:L = 1
100 T$ = "Wake up, Neo"
110 S = 216: GOSUB 1000
120 T$ = "The Matrix has you"
130 S = 10: GOSUB 1000:L = 0
140 T$ = "Follow the white"
141 T$ = T$ + " rabbit."
150 S = 128: GOSUB 1000
160 T$ = "Knock, knock, Neo."
170 S = 255: GOSUB 1000
180 POKE - 16368,0
190 WAIT - 16384,128
200 TEXT : END
1000 FOR I = 1 TO D: NEXT
1005 D = D * 2 / 3
1010 HOME : POKE 1024,96
1020 SPEED= S: PRINT T$;
1025 IF L THEN PRINT "...";
1030 SPEED= 255: RETURN