I got a IIGS with 2x3.5" and 1x5.25" floppy drives at a flea market.
After a good wash, it boot up just fine, works perfectly.
But the FDD apple logo badges have little or no color. They looked like that when I get them, and washing did not change them.
Where can I find replacement badges, or even plain old stickers that match in size?
Badge Emblem Logo Decale Label replactment for llGS FDD
August 29, 2014 - 9:13pm
Badge Emblem Logo Decale Label replactment for llGS FDD
You will need to either buy another Apple and swap it, or try to get a sticker. The only one that may fit is one that sells for the iphone back:
Also some Etsy sellers sell the original logos, but they are smaller versions.
Good luck