Assistance needed with TCPSER and Macintosh SE

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Last seen: 3 years 12 months ago
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Assistance needed with TCPSER and Macintosh SE

Hello my fellow retro Apple collectors and enthusiasts!  (I'm not sure wether to put this into Mac 68k or the Other Operating System section for the Pi)I have been trying to setup a Raspberry Pi as a Modem Emulator using TCPSER (that's setup headless using SSH from my home PC).  This is a fresh install of Rasbian Lite on the Pi (I'm down to reinstall again if need be).  I have it connected through Serial to a Macintosh SE FDHD (Running System 6.0.7 and Z-Term).

So far I've got the Mac successfully connected to the Raspberry Pi through the GPIO pins out to a TTL-to-RS232 Adapter (The Schmartboard RS232 TTL Adapter)  When I turn on the Pi and open Z-Term on the Mac, I get a login prompt to log into the Raspberry Pi.  That part works really well and is super cool.  There's a ton of stuff I want to get set up through that soon.  It's super cool!


The problem comes when I'm trying to run TCPSER.  I get this error:


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo tcpser -s 9600 -d /dev/ttyAMA0 -p 23232021-03-14 22:05:49:1985344608:FATAL:Could not obtain serial port status (Input/output error) 

So, what happens is this:

- I run 'sudo tcpser -s 9600 -d /dev/ttyAMA0 -p 2323' and the raspberry pi terminal starts blinking a little green rectangle.  

-Then I go to the Mac and try to type 'AT' to see if I can use the Hayes Modem Commands, but when I do, I just get a login prompt on screen, even if I was already logged in on the Mac side.

-Then I go back to my PC to SSH the Pi, and it's given me the error that I wrote above.


I've followed a few different tutorials about how to install tcpser, and each one had their own variation of the program and, but I never saw it in the installed list of programs until i did a basic: 'sudo apt install tcpser', so I'm not sure what the status of that is.  When I run 'sudo systemctl status tcpser' i get this:


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl status tcpser● tcpser.service - Modem emulator tcpser   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/tcpser.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)   Active: inactive (dead)

Mar 14 20:58:42 raspberrypi systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/tcpser.service:12: Unknown lvalue 'Description' in section 'Install', ignoringMar 14 20:58:42 raspberrypi systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/tcpser.service:13: Unknown lvalue 'After' in section 'Install', ignoringMar 14 20:59:21 raspberrypi systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/tcpser.service:12: Unknown lvalue 'Description' in section 'Install', ignoringMar 14 20:59:21 raspberrypi systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/tcpser.service:13: Unknown lvalue 'After' in section 'Install', ignoringMar 14 20:59:48 raspberrypi systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/tcpser.service:12: Unknown lvalue 'Description' in section 'Install', ignoringMar 14 20:59:48 raspberrypi systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/tcpser.service:13: Unknown lvalue 'After' in section 'Install', ignoringMar 14 22:04:29 raspberrypi systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/tcpser.service:12: Unknown lvalue 'Description' in section 'Install', ignoringMar 14 22:04:29 raspberrypi systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/tcpser.service:13: Unknown lvalue 'After' in section 'Install', ignoring


Any advice on getting this working would be greatly appreciated.  I got stuck at this same point about a year ago and gave up, and it kind of got in the way of me wanting to mess with my Mac's last year.   :(

I'm not that great at linux, even though I feel like Ive learned a ton about it, I still haven't been able to keep errors from happening regularly which stop all progress.

I've asked on a few Discord servers about this but they just told me to go learn more about linux, which isn't helpful since I've read a ton about it already and am still getting stuck like this.


I also want to get this working with my Apple //c, but I think i need to buy another adapter for that cable to get it working probably.


Thanks in advance for anyone who is willing to help.  :)


EDIT:  I'm not sure what changed, but now my Mac running ZTerm is just recieving garbled text from the Pi's serial port.  One step forward, Two steps back.  Am I right?  haha


-Insector X

insectorx's picture
Last seen: 3 years 12 months ago
Joined: May 25 2020 - 21:19
Posts: 11
Solution:  Go to 'raspi

Solution:  Go to 'raspi-config' and set the option to NOT get a Login Shell prompt through a serial connection.  After that I was able to enter 'AT' and got 'OK' in response.   :)   Hurray!


But, there is one subtle issue that this creates for me (kinda):   I was honestly pretty excited to see the Macintosh be able to use a Login Shell prompt on the Pi (even though it screwed up tcpser). 

I'm interested in using the Pi's terminal through the Mac (or my Apple //c).  There's some cool software that would be fun to use:  i.e.-  email, twitter, stock ticker, IRC chat, terminal based screensavers (Cmatrix), etc.

Is there a way to switch the Pi from having it's option set to make a Login Shell prompt available to me when I want that, and switch back to the Hayes Modem commands when I want.    

Thanks again!


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