to all members that use Ascii Express:
Another member here asked me for the manual....
in fact that manual contains 338 pages...
I've scanned that manual few years ago but have not
compressed it till yet ( the old file had 450 MB )
so now i've reduced resolution and converted it to new
acceptable PDF size of 50 MB and uploaded it to asimov...
at the moment its still in the incomming folder and will be
surely relocated in next days in another folder....
but for the next 48 hours i expect it to remain at the current location:
enjoy it
Love it!
Thanks a lot for that work!
Yes, Thank you for uploading, Speedy. I tried the link but it says the file is not there.
Do you have another place, or do you have a place for the uncompressed files?
Thanks in advance.
In the moment its still ther but not downloadable anymore....
If it isn't there anymore then it has been picked by the admin
and sorted somewhere in the site.
Then it will be availiable soon again at the relocated place....
I'll watch and publish here new link, after i detected the new location.
for temporary purpose untill the final link of asimov is availiable
- i've stored it temporarily in my site:
With Asimov.. It'll first sit in the incoming folder for a while, then get dumped to the unsorted folder. It may languish there for years. They already have stuff from 11 months ago rotting away.
I've stopped uploading there till they get their act together and sort incoming in a timely fashion.
thats exactly the reason i prepared a temporary storage at my site...
just hope that asimov gets a admin on duty again within next year
cause when i start uploading parts of my archives the site will crash without admin....
You can view /download it from here, as well: pages!