I recently acquired a Timemaster II H.O. card manufactured by Applied Engineering.
The card appears to work because I can read the time and the dip-switch settings. Unfortunately, I do not have the floppies that came with card and can not set the correct time. Does anyone have a copy of these floppies that I can copy or buy?
Does anyone have a schematic for the Timemaster II H.O. card? I need to know the charging ability of the card for a replacement 3.6V battery. My battery seems to hold a charge but I have little trust in it after 20+ years.
All that information ( manuals, disks and more... ) can be obtained from the respisitory of
Applied Engineering....
sincerely speedyG
I feel like a fool for asking this.
How do I get the Applied Engineering Disks off of the Internet and onto 5.25-inch floppy disks that my Apple IIe will read in DOS and PRODOS formats?
Sorry to open Pandora’s box.
The solution is here:
read at the left side the pages related to your needs....
the ölinks at the left side lead to the "how to pages"....
sincerely speedyG
The solution is here:
read at the left side the pages related to your needs....
the links at the left side lead to the "how to pages"....
sincerely speedyG
Thanks for the info. I will try to download these files and tinker with them.
Does anyone have a schematic for this card?
Has anyone found an exact match replacement battery for this card?
I can install a 3-cell NiCd power pack off card but I like to keep the card close to being original.
replacement depends to the location where you live.....
large electronic supply shops have replacemant .... some of them have internetshops....
also at ebay some shops are listed that have replacement....
depending to your resident location it might take 1 week or 2, to get such device and also depending to location is the shipmentcost....
it seems you will have to spend some time with google and ebay....
start with values like 3,6 V lithium cell +diameter 1,5" or 3,6,Volt +NiCAD +1,4" ( note this is not correct value but only example ! ) take values from component on board ( if possible search for manufacturer then for distributor or distributionshop or in list of electronic supply shop....
sincerely speedyG
Thanks for all of your help, speedyG.
I downloaded the software, as suggested, and was able to set the proper time on the card. I have to disassemble some of this software to see if can obtain real I/O addresses for this card. Using the PR# and IN# commands are troublesome; I rather use Peeks and Pokes.
I removed the original battery from the PCB and subjected it to some deep discharge black magic. To my surprise the original battery has come back from the dead. If the card loose time, then I will just use 3 off-card NiCd batteries.
Thanks Again!!
This is the premiere clock card for II+ and //e machines. I still have mine from the BBS days. And it rocks hard!
You can carefully disassemble the battery housing, and remove the old cells. Go to digi-key and purchase 3 ni-cd batteries with tabs on them. Tabs are important because you you never want to solder directly to a battery. You want to check sizes to be sure they can all fit physically. Wire them in series. And stuff back into the "data sentry" housing.
3.6V = 1.2V X 3batteries.
You can get batteries from ebay for like $10.00 or $15.00, and this not an un-reasonable price. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=data+sentry&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313&_nkw=data+sentry+battery&_sacat=0