I am trying to boot up AppleWorks. This is from copies I made of originals in 1985, so I think it is version 1.3 maybe. After the Startup disk, I put in the Program disk. I get the message:
Your copy of the AppleWorks PROGRAM disk must be in drive 1. The write-protect notch must be uncovered.
The copy has a notch on the side.
The system is:
enhanced Apple //e
AE RamWorks III
Apple Mouse Card in slot 4
I/O Controller card (Duodisk card) in slot 6
ZipChip 8Mhz
Apple Numeric Keypad
I have some thrift store disk copies that do the same thing.
Anyone know why it does that?
Interesting... I've been using a copy of Appleworks from Asimov, which works fine... except that much to my dismay, I cannot enter a 2014 date. The program does not recognize dates "before 1983". So my dating scheme is now (year-30).
Maybe it can be patched to accept later year numbers. Can you provide a HDD image of your appleworks for AppleWin emulator?
I have since tried to format a disk in drive 2 and it shows a write-protect error. I am now thinking it is a drive, cable, etc. hardware issue, not an AppleWorks issue. Thank you.
Let us know what you find out.
OK. I will. I finally found my 5.25" floppy disk drive cleaner disk and plan to run it.
It may be the card. I did the following, with the last thing making it work:
swapped DuoDisk
swapped cable
swapped card
It got past the "enter the date" portion after that.