For sale is an Apple Power Macintosh 6500/250, 128Mb RAM, 1.2Gb HDD, CD-rom, Floppy with USB 2-port Card, Firewire 3-port card, Ethernet card, Coax card with a fresh install of OS9.0.4. The machine runs excellent and is cosmetically clean. Pictures available on request. $ 125.00 postpaid CONUS. PayPal accepted.
Apple Power Macintosh 6500/250, 128Mb, 1.2Gb, CD, Floppy, USB Card, Firewire Card, Ethernet Card, Coax card, OS9.0.4
February 11, 2011 - 2:02pm
Apple Power Macintosh 6500/250, 128Mb, 1.2Gb, CD, Floppy, USB Card, Firewire Card, Ethernet Card, Coax card, OS9.0.4