Apple Macintosh Classic II restoration project

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Jordz95's picture
Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
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Apple Macintosh Classic II restoration project

Hi everyone,

Recently I got my old Apple Macintosh Classic II down from my loft to check if it still works or not, and luckily it powers up fine but displays a logo of a floppy disk with a question mark on it. I don't know if I can fix it because I don't have a Mac OS System 7 floppy disk anywhere to see if I can fix it.

If you own a Apple Macintosh Classic II and have experienced the same problem before, could you help me try and solve this problem so that I can get it all up and running again.

Jordan Ewbank

Macintosh128k's picture
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Re: Apple Macintosh Classic II restoration project

Can you hear the hard drive spin up and an attempt to access it when you power up?

What you have there is ether a hard drive that needs an OS reinstall, or an actual problem with the hard drive itself.
This may be as simple as one of the connectors to the drive is loose or an actual mechanical problem or failure with the hard drive.

The easiest thing to check is with a start up disk,

You need a System 7 Utilities Disk, with the Hard drive setup, Disk First Aid tools on it.
You can boot up the system with this and check if the computer recognises if the drive is still there.

Maybe someone here will be kind enough to mail you a disk or you need to look on ebay.

Alternatively you would need access to another floppy drive based Macintosh to produce a disk from a disk image.

Apple have made System 7 freeware, so I don't think it is violating any forum rules by posting a link where you can get the disk images from.

Jordz95's picture
Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
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Posts: 6
Re: Apple Macintosh Classic II restoration project

@Macintosh 128k,

Thanks for the help I have taken the case of my Macintosh Classic II to see what kind of state the Hard drive is, and when I boot the mac up the hard drive seems to spin round once and then stops. I think your right with what the problem is, and need to try and get a copy of the System 7 Utilities Disk to see if the hard drive can recognise itself.

I think I might struggle a bit with finding a spare copy of System 7 Utilities Disk, because there seem to be non avaliable on eBay and hasn't been in a while. I would try and connect the hard drive to my pc to try and fit System 7 Utilities on to it, (but the only problem is that it's a SCSI hard drive).

I'll have to try and search for a while on eBay to see if one comes up but that could either be extremely hard, or impossible at the moment.

Macintosh128k's picture
Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 4 2010 - 01:47
Posts: 40
Re: Apple Macintosh Classic II restoration project

Try this website:

Drop the guy an email and see if he can create the System 7 disks you need.

I would offer to help however all my Macs are older pre system 7 computers.

Jordz95's picture
Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
Joined: Oct 2 2009 - 15:37
Posts: 6
Re: Apple Macintosh Classic II restoration project

Thanks for the link, I'll email this guy to see if he can make me a System 7 disk for my Macintosh Classic II.

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