I've been looking for this, but can't find it anywhere.
I know it's basically the same as the DuoDisk connector, but the available pinouts for that leave out many of the pins, since DuoDisk doesn't need them.
Apple made an adapter, IDC26 to DB25, to use the Disk III on the Apple III plus, but I don't see the specifications for that anywhere either. Does anyone have one of these adapters?
Or, is there anyone with an Apple III Plus who would be willing to beep out the connections between the inner 26 pin header and outer DB25 connector on the motherboard?
I've always wanted a ///+ but never found one. I have a regular old ///. I'm jealous! :-)
I don't have one either, might use it for a project but I'm mostly just curious and surprised it doesn't seem to be documented anywhere.
I think they are fairly rare. I don't think Apple made very many to begin with. They didn't really make a huge number of original ///, from what I gather maybe 50,000 or so. The ///+ was an end-life kicker, but too-little-too-late. Like a lot of things Apple did back then if it had come out a year or two earlier things might have been different. For a company many view as very progressive and leading edge, in some ways they were very conserbative and slow moving on things back in those days.
They are listed in this A3 technote:
I also remember saving a few pictures of a bare 3rd party adapter, but can't seem to find that at the moment. If I find them, i'll add here.
Oh geez there it is! I was searching that very site, dunno why I missed it. Thanks!