The Apple IIGS Buyer's Guide Now Available Online

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Posts: 23
The Apple IIGS Buyer's Guide Now Available Online

I was a bit disappointed to find that The Apple IIGS Buyer's Guide was not available anywhere online. I contacted the former Editor, Paul Pinella, and found that the publisher, Redgate Publishing, had been acquired by America Online several years ago, so I contacted AOL and was able to get permission from them to have serve as the online host for The Apple IIGS Buyer's Guide.

I currently have in my possession about half the issues. I now have all of those issues scanned and available for download/online reading at A2OL. I am currently asking around the A2 community to see if anyone has any of the missing issues and, if so, would they contribute the the A2OL library by either providing high-quality scans OR allow me to create high-quality scans of their issues. If anyone is willing to send me their issues for scanning, I will gladly pay the postage both ways.

Here's the link to The Apple IIGS Buyers Guide library page on A2OL:

I would greatly appreciatee any help anyone can provide in locating the missing issues:

The Apple II Review (Fall/Winter 1986)
Apple IIGS Graphics & Sound Premier Issue (Fall 1987)
The Apple IIGS Buyer's Guide (Winter 1987)
The Apple IIGS Buyer's Guide (Spring 1989)
The Apple IIGS Buyer's Guide (Winter 1989)
The Apple IIGS Buyer's Guide (Summer 1990)
The Apple IIGS Buyer's Guide (Fall 1990)
The Apple IIGS Buyer's Guide (Winter 1990)

If you have any of the above missing issues & would like to contribute, please email me & we'll go from there. Many thanks in advance!
