Apple II+ keyboard for Apple 1

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Apple II+ keyboard for Apple 1

I have an original Apple 1 and I also recently bought the "Newton 1". Reason for the Newton 1 was not to harm my original A1 when adding keyboard, ACI and that stuff and to test everything before as my original A1 boots up and seems to work. Thanks go ot to Mike and Cameron for their help so far.

Video of my working A1:

I want now to mount an Apple II+ keyboard to the A1. I did now a lot of research and I'm pretty sure what to do - but to be 100% sure please let me know if my thoughts are correct:

I need the reset and the clear screen function; reset works with the A2 keyboard but not CLS. When I do the modifications that Wendell Sander described here - I'm on the safe side, right? I try to do that today evening; for this I will slaughter my nice working A2+ (sniff). I read that there are different encoders used in the A2+.. how can I find out which one is appropriate? Thanks for any help and I will keep you posted.

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Re: Apple II+ keyboard for Apple 1

next question: should GND be connected together as John did?

in his blog John said he did first not cut the trace to enable CLS.. as I remember the A1 wont start without CLS, right? I use Mike's keyboard adapter so far which does it himself. So when starting the A1 with an ASCII keyboard I need to reset and then CLS ..or is reset enough?

Last seen: 2 hours 51 min ago
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Re: Apple II+ keyboard for Apple 1

Welcome to AppleFritter...

I can call you and walk you though all of this stuff. Get my direct email from Mike W. I'm in the states but don't mind a call to europe of it will help. I have done a few of these adapters. Just remember Wendell's diagram is upside down from most schematics, it makes it easier to hand wire but can be a potential problem if you don't realize it. I can also help you identify which keyboard encoder you have. Also since you have the ps/2 adapter, I have on order a bunch of multiplexor boards that will let you plug it and an external ascii keyboard in at the same time.


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Re: Apple II+ keyboard for Apple 1

Hi Corey, many thanks for your help. I really appreciate it. I managed to build the A2 Keyboard to work with the A1. Keyboard works fine now and "REPT" on the A2 keyboard works as CLS; I ecactly used Wendell's description and it worked immediately.

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Re: Apple II+ keyboard for Apple 1

I test now some of the A1 games - some can not load - the A1 seems to "hang"; I suppose the recording (I use the panasonic recorder) is bad. Or what could be else the problem if loading hangs? I also tried to load Basic and then the lunar lander ASCII version but failed. Can you give me a step by step instruction how to load basic first and then this game for dummies?

E000.EFFFR - play - enter
now basic is loaded

I have to enter Basic now, right? and then switch back to the monitor?

4A.00FFR0300.0FFFR - play - enter

this fails.. it hangs when loading lunar lander

problem could be a bad recording or bad statement above.

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Re: Apple II+ keyboard for Apple 1

Yes you should enter basic using E000R, then exit it using reset or call -151

If you are using my version of lander that is the basic instructions. I have noticed that using an iPod/iPhone at max volume is a bit more consistent that using the panasonic at 5 or 6 volume with the ACI. Also are you using Mike W's ACI or are you using an original one? If you are using an original one you will need to take a .1uf capacitor and hang it on top of the .01uf capacitor to get a clean load. The .01 is too finicky.

What is your volume set at also on the Panasonic? Are you using a stereo plug or a mono one? Also ignore the LED, it lights up with the panasonic too early and with the iPod/iPhone not at all. Also be careful, I "blew" a LM311 on one of my ACIs from a panasonic on max volume by mistake.


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Re: Apple II+ keyboard for Apple 1

If the games or software that you are going to load are written in Basic, then you always need to load Basic first.

C100R (Press Enter)
* (System response)
E000.EFFFR (dont press enter yet, set the correct volume and play the cassette, then press enter)
/ (system response if loading is complete)

But this doesn't mean that the loaded data in the memory is just alright, to test whether the Basic has been loaded correctly, you can check:
E000R (press enter)
> (system response if Basic is ready)

To load Lunar lander (like Corey version), you have to exit back to monitor by pressing ESC
(Press ESC)
@ (system response)
C100R (Press enter)
* (system response)
4A.00FFR0300.0FFFR (dont press enter yet, set the correct volume and play the cassette, then press enter)
/ (system response if loading is complete)
E2B3R (Press enter)
> (system response)

If you can see the last >, then you are almost done, but my habit is to check whether the program has been loaded correctly by reviewing the whole program:
> LIST (press enter)

If the last command looks still like a Basic command then you can claim success. Now with the > prompt, you can RUN the game.

My experience with volume setting is Basic needs lower volume (80% in iPhone 4) and programs needs higher volume (>90% in iPhone) and this is quite consistent as Corey said. Too low volume will likely result in no "/" prompt after press "play the tape", but too high volume can also give you misleading complete prompt "/" and the last bits of data are corrupted. Anyway, "/" tells you that ACI can "listen" and "transmit" the data to the memory. You need to match the right volume with your ACI, this can only be achieved by trial and error. Hope this help.

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