Apple II+ joystick cable to iie joystick how to plug in.

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Apple II+ joystick cable to iie joystick how to plug in.
Image icon joystick0001.JPG510.82 KB
Image icon joystick0002.JPG484.35 KB
Image icon joystick0003.JPG471.68 KB

Being lazy and I wanted to brag. Even before I got my apple II plus. I had a person bring in some recyceing and for my eyes it included what I only know as a II+ to IIe adaptor cable. But no manual and no pin allignment. Got to love cables back in the day. So any ideas? The closet I have is I found a diagram that shows pin 1 should be 5+ volts. I'm thinking the cable plug in will face toward the back to push the connect out the back of the apple ii.  The joystick I picked up on epay for under $20.00 including shipping. I thought it was a good deal. I also didn't realize how many joysticks was mfg by kraft. Trash-80's and stuff.


Anyway thanks,



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Joystick Adapter

Hi, I believe the pinout is as follows

16-pin    Description   DB9

1              +5v                  2

2              Button 0        7

3              Button 1         1

6              X-Axis            5

10            Y-Axis            8


I actually make an equivalent adapter if anyone is interrested. (just PM me)



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Last seen: 1 month 6 days ago
Joined: Jun 3 2019 - 21:23
Posts: 104
Got it figured out.

I thought it plugged in a certain way. But I fluked out the wires to make sure pin 1 was equal to the 2nd port on the db9 connector. So it works great. Would love to know the story behind it. How it came in with a bunch of pc stuff for recycle. An older lady who was retiring. So my guess is at one time they had an apple.





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NovellNetware wrote:I thought
NovellNetware wrote:

I thought it plugged in a certain way. But I fluked out the wires to make sure pin 1 was equal to the 2nd port on the db9 connector. So it works great. Would love to know the story behind it. How it came in with a bunch of pc stuff for recycle. An older lady who was retiring. So my guess is at one time they had an apple.






Those adapters were common back in the 80s and 90s, and you can still order them (brand new,. NOS) from a few companies that sell cables, rather dirt cheap. I ordered a handful about a year ago, because the freight cost enough that ordering a lot of them brought down the cost/unit (including freight) remarkably. 

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