Apple II, IIe, IIc, and IIgs Parts question

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jwg1962's picture
Last seen: 2 days 49 min ago
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Apple II, IIe, IIc, and IIgs Parts question

I have been restoring Apple II computers for about a year trying to bring as many as I can back to life. Smile I initially purchased a pile of broken units from a local e-scrap company for parts. They were all too far gone to salvage, but made great parts machines. Well, I am running out of certain items and wondered where people on this forum, who have a similar hobby, get their parts? I have a very early Apple IIe (the painted case kind and not the plastic mold injection kind) and it has a keyboard that is missing the "Del" (Delete) key. I tried for a keyboard on e-Bay and was outbid and it ended up going for an outrageous price (as most things Apple II are doing these days on eBay). I would appreciate any and all help and advice I can get from users on this forum. Thanks in advance.

Long live the Apple II!!!

As a side note, my 11 year old daughter wants an Apple IIe for her birthday. I showed her how to program in BASIC the other day and she caught the programming bug. It was a blast to see how excited she was.

speedyG's picture
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Re: Apple II, IIe, IIc, and IIgs Parts question

The IAC ( International Apple Core ) is still active and one of the largest Apple User Communities....
there are still several other communities active too ( like WAC = Washington Apple Core ) - so my
best hint is to spend a little time with google and look for active local Apple communities within
your area.... they might provide you with best infos to local resources....

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Re: Apple II, IIe, IIc, and IIgs Parts question

As I started with BASIC on the Apple ][ series, and have done some minor professional programming jobs since, I know a bit about being self taught in this area. I strongly recommend that you teach your daughter to flow chart her programs before writing them. This skill will not only carry her through all programing situations much better, it will also be applicable many other parts of life, industry, and science.

If you want to do some parts swapping Applefritter is a fine place to do it or get information. For example there's a guy on ebay selling individual replacement keys for Apple //c computers, he might expand his line, or there could be individual keys for sale. Also, I've done some restoration and have some spare keys too. So if you want to go that route, make a list of what you need/want and post it in the Wanted section of Applefritter. Someone will probably make contact.

Mutant Pie

jwg1962's picture
Last seen: 2 days 49 min ago
Joined: Jan 29 2012 - 07:17
Posts: 365
Re: Apple II, IIe, IIc, and IIgs Parts question

Thanks for the info and already on the flow charting thing. All good advice -- thanks again.

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