Apple II case lid history

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Apple II case lid history


I'm a new member on applefritter (from Sweden) but has collected/repaired/enjoyed early Apple computers for several years.

I tend to be more and more interested in the earliest machines, especially Apple II, and finally got my hands on an early Apple II (rev0) computer on eBay (serial 1510) which was complete except for a replaced keyboard and a missing case lid.
I've noticed my even earlier Apple II (serial 882) uses another material for the case (and the lid). A material that seems more fragile since it's unfortunately broken in several places. Also, this older material seems to be more pale in color.
However, the case of the serial 1510 looks exactly like the later serials, not like the serial 882. When did this change happen? Obviously somewhere between serial 882 and 1510.

My question is really if anyone knows the history of the material changes of the Apple II case. Both just out of curiosity but also so if I do find a lid for any later serials original Apple II, it will still be correct to use on my serial 1510 machine (I try to keep those early machines as close to the original components as possible).

Any insights?

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Re: Apple II case lid history

Here is an article covering the first enclosures. Dan Kottke did the sanding on the first series of cases.

Mike Willegal

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Re: Apple II case lid history

I find that article a little confusing with the known facts.

The early cases did not have vents they were an afterthought put in the tooled case because the heat deformed the early cases. Also Apple cases were painted for a long time, they just didn't require hand sanding and blocking with the ABS case and could simply be primed, painted and splattered on an assembly line.

Dan Kottke only sanded and filed the early cases as the exactness of the process originally used prior to ABS was bad and keyboards would bind on the case.


Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: Aug 5 2015 - 04:45
Posts: 10
Re: Apple II case lid history

I guess the best way to figure out the differences is to open several Apple IIs and compare them side by side. I just wanted to check if it's been done already and if so what serials/dates are linked with the difference versions of the cases. My serial 882 machine is very different from the 1510 but I haven't checked if the 1510 is different from my newer serial-about-12000 one.

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