Apple II basic

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Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: Dec 14 2011 - 06:39
Posts: 129
Apple II basic

Hi all,

Could someone assit with some basic code? I need to have this program autoboot and run from my Apple IIe floppy disk. 

How can I make it autoboot from my floppy drive and run without typing in anything? 


10 print peek (49152), peek (49168)20 if PEEK(49152) > 128 THEN POKE 49168,030 goto 10 




robbo007's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: Dec 14 2011 - 06:39
Posts: 129
robbo007 wrote:


Hi all,

Could someone assit with some basic code? I need to have this program autoboot and run from my Apple IIe floppy disk. 

How can I make it autoboot from my floppy drive and run without typing in anything? 


10 print peek (49152), peek (49168)20 if PEEK(49152) > 128 THEN POKE 49168,030 goto 10 






Worked it out thanks. INIT HELLO :)



Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: Nov 20 2004 - 00:26
Posts: 53


In most cases, just make sure that the program that you want to run at startup  is named  "HELLO".  For DOS 3.3, when you initialize (INIT) a floppy it clears the disk and lays down the DOS on the first 3 tracks, and clears the VTOC.  "INIT HELLO" will save the current basic program in memory to the disk, names  it  "HELLO" and tells  DOS to run that program at boot.  Most startup programs have been called "HELLO" but it is possible that someone initialized the disk with a different startup name.

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