Does anyone have any information (schematics, image of PCB, etc.) about the Apple 1 Motherboard from Electronic Systems.
It was advertised in several issues of BYTE Magazine. Example from February 1977 page 191:
APPLE 1 MOTHER BOARD Part no. 102 10 slots -44 pin (.156) connectors spaced % inch apart Connects to edge connector of computer Pin 20 and 22 connects to X & Z for power and ground Board has provisions for by-pass capacitors. Board costs $15.00
Hi there, info about this board:
Kind regards from Italy
Does anyone know if the CFFA1 is compatible with this? That is, can both the ACI and CFFA1 be connected at the same time to this motherboard so that you can use the Apple-1 to transfer data between the cassette and CompaqFlash media?
I don't see why not. The CFFA is wired to a different memory block than the ACI. The only question is will the ACI work right with that extender possibly introducing noise on the bus. Maybe a shorter one than 10 slots might be better for what you are thinking.