apple ][ (europlus) no characters. beep ok, but only white square no message

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apple ][ (europlus) no characters. beep ok, but only white square no message

i try to repair an apple ][ europlus.
power supply is ok.
almost all TTL chips new.

if i start up, it beeps once.
but no message shows. no characters at all. only a white square where the cursor should be
i can hit return or any key and the square moves as it should.
also i can type in (blind) a simple programm (forx example 10 print,20 goto 10 ) and run it then the square disapears.
and if i press control c. it returns.

so basic interpreter is working. just no character.

any ideas.
where are the characters generatet or stored?
someone has the rom dumps. i dont have a second apple ][ to test...

any ideas?


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Joined: Jan 3 2011 - 11:34
Posts: 341
Re: apple ][ (europlus) no characters. beep ok, but only ...

Hi flozki,
The characters ROM is located at the bottom of the motherboard, at location A5.
If your motherboard is a Rev 7 (part number 820-0001-07 "visible" under the 6502) or higher, you can put a 2716 EPROM in place of the Apple chip.
You can find the ROM images on the Apple II documentation project site :
- the Apple Original ROMs
- the Videx lower case chip.

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