Refurbishing an elderly Disc 2 unit, and finally (after 40 years) found out why it was intermittent!
The ground pin in the AMP 30-way edge connector between the analog(ue) board and the motor speed control board is broken...
Result? Poor contact.
Might anybody inform me of the corect part number for the AMP connecotr and the replacable pins, please?
Watching "Adrian's Digital Basement" repair of Disc 2 drive shows AMP 583717-3 marking.
Around the 27:46 point...
Time to got to the AMP/TE website!
That housing might be hard to find, but you could hopefully just replace the broken pin, if that's all it is.
contact part #s are listed here:
I'm guessing any of the 583616 or 58353 types will work, depending on wire size and finish.
Thanks for the reply.
The connector shroud is still available, as are the insert contacts.
They are about £0.60 a shot, unless I buy 7000, when the price really fails off by about 60%...
Time to send some pocket money to DigiKey!