On page 13, of Newton-Byte's Apple Computer A Prototype Assembly Guide, I believe I found a mistake. If the JUMPER between A4-6820-24 and +5V line is soldered to the second VIA, as pictured in the assembly guide, the computer will not work. It will put 5v plus the clock on CPU pins 36/37, PIA pins 25, makes B7 warmer than its neighbors and makes the computer "dumb" with only the CLR working. Looking at the pictures of the original/broken prototype, I finally noticed that the +5V is in the first VIA not the second.
When the JUMPER is cut and or moved the Prototype is working!
Is this an error in the Assembly Guide or have I missed something?
You are correct, +5V should be fed to pin 24 of PIA and that's the first via hole for 6502 to work. I haven't updated the guideline after I corrected that in my own prototype board. Thanks for bringing up.