Apple //c web browsing

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Apple //c web browsing

Happy holidays to all. I know I will get some lynching, but searched everywhere and couldn't find info specific for the //c. I want to know if sombody has successfully browsed with a //c, using contiki. If so, how to connect to an Ethernet cable? My guess is via a modem, or a direct serial cable to another computer. Maybe using the Raspberry Pi as an internmediate connector? Any help would be really appreciated.

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Re: Apple //c web browsing

when you browse, you mean full html or text browsing? if latter I believe best way is through usb serial to Pi and get A2cloud to run the patched version of proterm and text browse that way (search for IVANX A2CLOUD). Another approach is using a retro connector for its keyboard and use the Pi to browse html... but I don't think that is what you wanted to do. let us know what options you do.

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Re: Apple //c web browsing

"PI to browse HTML"????

I haven't turned on my Pi in months. Is there a version of Lynx for the Pi???

That would be so cool as a way to browse some websites using a teletype or Apple II.

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Re: Apple //c web browsing

Dave Schmenk's Apple II Pi project ( basically makes your IIc's peripherals (keyboard, mouse, monitor) host a Pi computer - which in turn can run the GSport Apple IIgs emulator, running Marinetti IP stack - which can then browse the web.

So, can you 'browse the web with a IIc?' Depends what you mean, exactly.

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Re: Apple //c web browsing

Wow, these are great ideas, just as I needed. I think Dave Schmenk's Apple II Pi project although awesome, is kinda like cheating, as it uses the pi instead of the //c. I would like to use it as a last resort. I prefer to try the //c hardware first, using a basic browser (text only) and connect to the web via modem - if there is a way to connect to a second device via telephone cable that acts like an ISP - or something like this guy:
I also saw this video, a guy used a terminal to browse from another computer, neat, but not what I want:

The A2Cloud sounds like my answer, I will explore it and let you know, Thanks!!


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Re: Apple //c web browsing

With the //c, you won't be able to directly run a browser. Contiki needs an ethernet cad to run its IP stack (no SLIP or PPP). The options of running a terminal program or Apple II Pi are roughly equivalent - both use another computer that has IP connectivity. Running a terminal program on the //c will definitely feel more old-school, though. If you manage to get the //c working with a terminal program to the Pi, then you also have the option of trying Apple II Pi. And after all, isn't that what the Apple II is all about? Options. Good luck,


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Re: Apple //c web browsing

That's a bummer Rasman, I was hoping that Contiki would be able to use the RasPi as a bridge to connect to the net. Will continue my quest, although the solution above is really cool!

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Re: Apple //c web browsing

The process should be somewhat to this from the serial port onwards...

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Re: Apple //c web browsing

Just a quick note that I tried the A2Cloud and WOW, it rocks! Haven't explored the full potential but gives the //c a new set of tools. Will keep informing.

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Re: Apple //c web browsing

A2cloud imo is the best all round configuration for the apple //c. coupled with the pi, one, it offers complete mass storage for all the 8bit apple software you can find on the net, and two get onto the internet, with readily available off the shelf components (ie: usb/serial, and pi). With the apple ii pi still being in beta testing and don't know when it will be on sale, I am currently content with using A2cloud with my iigs (for internet purposes), I haven't tried spectrum which I assume enables full html browsing but I read it is possible.

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Re: Apple //c web browsing

Glad you like A2CLOUD!

Spectrum works, but not quite as you describe. Out of the box it's (now) free and offers serial terminal emulation much as ProTERM or Z-Link does, as well as Telnet if you have TCP/IP. You can add on Spectrum Internet Suite, which is $15, or free if you want to build it from source, and that provides a web browser, albeit one that hasn't been updated in many years, for TCP/IP connections.

However, A2CLOUD doesn't offer TCP/IP connectivity, at least yet, so you'd be unable to use the browser with it. You'd need a LANceGS or Uthernet card, or a dialup SLIP or PPP connection, or a fancy LocalTalk router/bridge that provides MacIP like a Shiva Fastpath or a Cayman Gatorbox. But Spectrum's serial terminal emulation works fine if you don't want to leave GS/OS, though personally I prefer ProTERM.

And to whomever asked earlier: yep, lynx works on the Pi, and is preinstalled by A2CLOUD.

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Re: Apple //c web browsing

After a few days using it I'm happy to inform that Lynx works great on my //c, and the whole Raspple II "suite" is a godsend. After looking at other projects (like the Uthernet card) I wonder if there could be a way to create an external interface for the //c to handle ethernet, something like a cable with a box, just like the Turbonet?

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Re: Apple //c web browsing

I have to say you inspired me... And last week I pulled my 1st gen raspberry pi out of a box and started setting it up again.

Since it doesn't have a power switch and will always be left on, I decided to turn it into an AirPrint server for my iOS devices 1st, then I loaded lynx and a usb dongle setup for console. Was pretty easy and now I'm browsing the internet on my Rev 0 Apple II at 300 baud. Well really only displaying the results of the HTML at 300 baud but still very cool to watch the page results almost a character at a time.


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