apple 1 for sale ebay

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apple 1 for sale ebay
speedyG's picture
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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

that will be interesting to watch...... some kind of mystery movie.... at the moment it seems to me that this one has not been registered at the apple 1´s owners club...... seems a widow had been waiting to make some cash.... at least it seems that the original owner has been burried in the meantime.... so time goes by with us old dinosaurs...

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

$175,000? Take off a zero (or at least divide it by 5) and then maybe it will sell.

speedyG's picture
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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

it seems you didn´t read the entire text:
"special Courier transportation fee...???"
is this to be translated with:
"personal delivery service in red dessous black stockings and singing santa claus ???"
maybe the special delivery service is more expensive than the apple.......

gsmcten's picture
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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay


I just seen this auction up on ebay and was about to report it with the link.

"Special Delivery" should mean a six foot tall redhead (hopefully female)wearing a Santa Hat and not much else. Smile

You're right about one thing though...If this is an unregistered Apple I thats been sitting somewhere without someone knowing about it, it could be worth a pretty penny, but NOT $175,000.00.

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

such a funny posting, appears that something is leaking on its logic board, and they have not powered this on, who knows if it works or not, Almost like selling a cookie that has been in someones mouth saying someone famous bit into the object. id give them $25 for the thing.

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

just told that.....
25.000,00 for the apple...
the rest must be for santa`s "special courier delivery".... and for 150.000 bucks this must be a very - very special "courier-service"...... probably the buyer must take care of some "black widows".....

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

Just besides the mystery side within the story.... there are some remarkable points to the bid....

the first thing is the case at the left side....:
it seems very much to be manufactured with epoxyglasfiber.... like the bottom too....
that stuff was used in those days to make custom cases.... the form looks a little bit like one of the first tries for a "pre apple II" case..... black plastic bottom and white painted top.....
that opens the question: did they ever offer early apple II´s with fiberglass at the beginning before the steelplate at the bottom was used ? ....if that had been - so that must have been below serial 1000 of the apple II - because that one with serial 1047 already had the steelplatebottom....

if its really an undocumented version - it must be one of the very last ones out of the apple I series ( say probably one of the last fifty ) before wozniak started up with the apple II ( and started up with the steel bottem plate ).....

and it is really very bad documentation for a bid at ebay......:

no closeup photographs "gimmick" to startup... without frying some electric.....???
no serial no.: to make the story reliable and proof....???
it´s like painting the comes "out of the barn" and you can´t proof it to be fake or real... ???

it could even be a mimeo built last year.. a black widow that turns out to be a former Las Vegas girl... and a friend with some recognizable knowledge with art and printing to "make the documentation" and all together something like a "gig" of a "masquarade".....

and again back to the text "more Photos on demand...." - at the one hand they want 175.000 bucks - at the other hand they are to greedy to pay some 10 bucks more for several more photographs in the bid ... ???
and again back to the "more photos on demand"...
are they delivered by the girl from Las vegas with a "Tabledance" - hoping to make you such crazy, that you press the "bid" button ????

and last not least "carensblablaauctions" which means, that the owner pays double priced a provision to caren and another provision to ebay... how studid must a seller be ???

the more close you look at it, the more it looks like a former similar sitcom in Chicago with Ed o`Neal....

- so just take your coke and popcorn and be invited to view the show.... I guess the most interesting on this bid is the "aftershow"-party...

it seems to be part of the "after SJ-hysteria-mystery-party" that started up few months ago... while all the ladies started to search garage or stablebarn hunting for something to offer at ebay with the keywords "SJ and Apple" ...

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

Well I'm surprised no documentation for a 175,000 sale. With documentation it could be worth somewhere up there. As you know the value of something is dependent on what someone will spend. It has the specific things that mark it as real or someone spent a great deal of time/money copying this.

As part of my second mimeo build I can tell you finding the video adjustment pot that was used on the real Apple I is near impossible, this one has it and the White 6502 and gold LM323k are hard to find but not impossible. I didn't see any pics of the bottom of the board.. That is the way to tell. The wave soldering did something funny to the Apple I boards in the area of the voltage regulators on the bottom. I'm not sure if you could reproduce that even wave soldering it today as you'd need to match the conditions and materials perfectly. Also compared to a real Apple I, the Mimeo has the logo and the Obtronix has traces that are too "rounded" on the front (don't know how else to explain, but they don't follow the same path and shape as a real Apple I). Also the Mimeo green conforming coating doesn't really match an Apple I.

One again I think this one is real...

I'd say this was a dealer who got lucky at an estate sale but doesn't have the docs. He may have to settle for less or try to document the board before finding a seller.

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

just have seen the other new thread and wanted to mention there - but it has been closed ... so here the update:
hello redustair,
there is already a thread running on this:
apple 1 for sale ebay...
I just made some remarks there and frosted the lack of only publishing 3 poor pictures....
the text at ebay was animating and just screaming to make jokes about it....
it seems that "caren" is reading this too... at least she now uploaded better pictures and
better closeup-photographs....
and i guess there is no more need to joke about it - due to the fact that the "special-delivery" mentioned previous has now been altered too...
in fact what remains - compared to the documented apple 1´s in the list of the apple 1 owners club are some points mentioned in the other thread....
the first remark is to the case and the hood... it seems to be one of the "late apple 1´s" due to the fact that that case seems to be some kind of "pre-study" to the later following apple II case....
probably it might be interesting if the very first 50 apple II´s had some kind of similar casing ...
the other points where spotted out there too...
at least now with the closeups... it seems to be very clear that this is a real authentic apple 1 and it seems that the previous owner had been buried in the meantime... as well as the fact that this apple one hasn´t been ever before documented in the apple 1´s owner club list....the main thing to watch now in the sitcom-movie is the solution to the question does this apple 1 get that price..... probably the widow is haunting for a freaky millionaire´s wife that is looking for a specialpresent for the christmas tree... so lets watch and try to find out - if someone is crazy enough to hit the overpriced "buy now" button....
or as an uncle of mine said once: "the true minded armenian carpet dealer does not bother beeing overpriced... he just worries about the fact, that he might miss to hit the one idiot that will be willing to pay double price and that has passed his shop today !" Finally we´ll all find out in a couple of days... and then we can close the curtain to this movie.... in the meantime get a coke and some popcorn and just follow up the movieshow...

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

One thing I noticed is the signed Apple I Manual. They happen to have these for sale at the "Signed By Woz" site, with a COA to go with it for about $45.00.

If this is any indication, then I'd begin to worry about the rest of the story that is used in the description. I've been considering finding out about the owner listed in the story. He was supposed to be a programmer at Apple, but in all of the books I've been reading lately, I have not come across his name anywhere.

Things that make you go "Hmmm".

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

that would lead us back to my forth posting again....
there are surely some -Hmmmm´s......
nevertheless we all should bear in mind that that guy, that was claimed to be the former owner must not be part within any of the biographical textures.... In fact it´s also one of the "heritages" of SJ that apple surely knows about its customers and has had some kind of customerlist in the old days - due to the need to trace guarantees - but after the "kickoff" from Woz.... it would have been one off the first things in the "todo"-list of Jobs "to get rid of any kind of paper that is related to Woz in the company" and instead of passing such a valuable list to some person to have some kind of trustee authentification of the apple-history - instead did the same thing he did to the boards that have been turned back for upgrades: "kill`em all"..... the jealousness of Jobs made it difficult to the world of collectors....
the real funny thing that i´d mention after nearly one week and no reply to the question that I´ve posted above is:
"has this typ of case ever been seen in the last days of the apple I or in the early days of apple II ????" In fact it seems nobody has ever seen such a case....
at the other hand if my knowledge is correct - some 500 or a little bit more apple 1´s have been made and sold.....
if we guess that some 80 % ended up in the trash after several years... there is still a good chance that some 50 to 75 unregistered ( not listed in the apple 1´s owner list ) boards are out there somewhere in barns or cellars..... waiting to creep back to light .... and only few of them will raise back to the public with reliable documentation....
it´s like the story with drawings from Lutrec... knowbody really knows how many Drinks he paid with scetches on a backside of a bill........
that´s still just a "real-life-sitcom-comedy" and we are invited to watch.... and like with all fakes released in history... we might trust in the fact - that if there was any fake released - it turned out and has been uncovered sometime later.... we have nowadays some reliable forensic labs that can make proof of authenticity... and don´t forget: the higher the price is screwed up - the more sure that board will find it´s way to some forensic exams some day... people that pay such prices don´t want to be confronted with some kind of greeting like:"high marvin... oh nice fake replica over there...".... that´s a nightmare to every collector....
so just again... relax... sit back ... have a coke and watch the show.... the real point interesting is to find out if anybody is willing to pay that price for that kind of story....
we have the "after SJ aera" ... but some poeple seem to forget the facts... the "after Wozniak aera" has not begun yet.... and he was for sure more involved to the apple 1 than Jobs has ever been.... there are some parallels to the story around Uderzo & Gosciny ... the guys that made the Asterix-comics... the one survived the other for decades...
and i surely wish Wozniak to repeat that... I hope that I won´t read his "famous last words" within the next years and that he´ll be happy to spend future times....
and in the next days some answers will be given.... for example to the question on the case or the question on the "puchase-button" at ebay.... and just if some question are left in the next time without reply ... the world will still turn on... and we´ll view such sitcom movies at ebay and /or sothebies within the next years several times... that´s for sure !

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

I recall following three Apple I ebay auctions on AppleFritter in the past few years. IIRC, the first one sold buy-it-now for @ $17,000, second one sold, at auction, for $50,000, and the third one sold, at auction, for @ $24,000. Armchair appraisal for this one--value $75,000--eventually sells, at auction, at a steal, at $52,000.

speedyG's picture
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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

I guess that you´ll be right... in real life nobody would pay the tabledance for 150.000 bucks....

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

does everyone forget that it took two bidders to get the Christies unit to up over 200K (unless they had a shill at work). Personally I like this unit better than the Christies unit - that case is unique and the motherboard hasn't been hacked on.

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

does everyone forget that it took two bidders to get the Christies unit to up over 200K (unless they had a shill at work). Personally I like this unit better than the Christies unit - that case is unique and the motherboard hasn't been hacked on.

thats just to me the real point... has anybody ever seen such a case before ? to me it looks a little bit like an early study to the later apple II cases and i´d like to know if anybody has seen such a case before .... probably it might have been used only with the very last apple 1´s or with the very first apple II´s...

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

If the story is true about the guy in the posting and he was an early Apple employee you may be right and this may be an early Apple II case prototype that was lying around and he used it for his Apple I when the case was discarded. I could easily see something like that not going to waste and being re-sued. BTW: Everyday this posting gets better with more info, for 170 thousand dollars this posting should have been complete to begin with.

As for the condition of the board, the pictures are awesome. Yes this board needs work, but Mike is right it hasn't been modified and with a little TLC restoration this one could be a great example. I did notice it's missing chips and stuff that but that is not a big deal if they can find the correct date code replacements. The cassette adapter is inserted backwards, but no big deal simply unplug and plug back in...

This person should have had this board cleaned up and auctioned at a real auction house, EBay is not the place for it, unless the owner was told to get it cleaned up by the auction house and decided to try ebay first....


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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

I'll bounce the enclosure question off of some people that should know and let you guys know what I find out.

Mike Willegal

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

What's the Christies unit? Do you have a link for that? It sold for more than $200k? Wow, prices are all over the place. Was there something significant about that one?

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

The missing RAM is a bummer. You can certainly replace it with some 1976 MK4096's and it'll be good as new, however the missing documentation is a real problem. The case is sweet though, I'd love to know the story behind that.

speedyG's picture
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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

the link to the unit at Christies was:

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

Thanks for the Christies link! I'm sitting smug and big-headed! I've been vindicated on my comments about the $50,000 Apple I auction:

Is it the same unit?

The first one we watched went for $16,000 buy-it-now, it says on that thread.

I forgot about the third one that went for $42,766:

And then the fourth one sold for $22,766:

The 766 repeat can't be a coincidence. The same bidder must have placed the last outbid bid.

I'm guessing for this current auction, the seller is aware of the Christies sale and is trying eBay first to bypass the Christies commission (which would be how much?), and if it doesn't sell on eBay, he'll turn to a New York auction house.

Ok, all you with those Apple I's in your closets, the bar has been set.

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

there are several points to the bar....
first: yes the christies was identic with the one that first had gone at ebay nearly one year previous...
the guy that got it from ebay made good deal ( nearly 500% in 1 year... gosh ! that could be a thing to think about...)
second: some are not that greedy - but more sentimental and prefer to keep their first computer.... those can´t be pursaded to sell - except by the force of suvival ( own or beloved one ).....
I still guess the most apple 1´s won´t be sold by the owners but only be the ( black ??? ) widows... - they are the one´s that have no emotional relation to the box containing some electronics.... probably they in fact even hate it, because "the damn guy spent more time with that boxes rather than with me... ?" ? ) - every time I notice an apple 1 to be sold is a moment I realize that one of us dinosaurs has gone away...
third: at christies or sothebies the provision is up to my knowledge 20% to 25 %..... you´ve got to pay for taking part in the glamor of such an historical auction house..... at the other hand customers of such an institution only go that far in bidding at such an institution, because they trust that these institutions would make severe investigation to prevent copycats or fakes to stay away from their catalogs.... in any case of doubt - they consult for the expertise of someone related to a museum....
so its forth the question of the calculator.... what ends up with more bucks in the pocket....
lower bid at ebay with only 10% loss of provision or higher bid with 25% contribution to the institution....

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

The first feedback I received is that he enclosure is probably not associated with any Apple product.

Mike W.

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

hello mike ...
thats interesting ... the only other source for some kind of "similar looking" case that i remember in my old-fashioned brain is CBM.... some CBM´s had cases that had a kind of similar "look-alike"... if it isn´t an early study to the apple II case - then probably it might have been a good joke from the former owner to put an apple one in a CBM-case or that probably somebody made a copy of a CBM-case with fiberglass for the former owner....anyhow it will be interesting to find out if the case was related to apple or not... Woz probably could answer that question with a flip of his fingertip....

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

It seems a Zaltair : )!!!!!

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

Woz was one of the people I asked.

Mike W.

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

Hello Mike,
thanks for forwarding the question to WOZ, so finally we must asume that the case was not an early study but just fine handcraft from the former owner or a friend of him... its at least refreshing story to the case... I´ll try to find out the proper CBM-modell that i believe looked similar to this case...
Its at least an interesting alternativ to those cases we´ve seen up till today that had been furnished with red-pine-wood or other "help-yourself" cases.... the other thing that attracted my attention, was the fact that this apple one was built with 2 transformators instead of one.... probably because not the original one was used - but instead 2 transformators each with 2 supply-voltages....

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

Not sure what you mean about the 2 transformers. The Apple I documentation specifies 2 transformers. One with the center tap used and one not. You may be confusing with the fact a lot of people put their transformers in a "case" for safety reasons or hide them away from the general view.''

I do love the fact this eBay posting keeps getting changed. More pics now... These closeups are really going to help me on Mimeo #2.


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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

so now little more than 24 hours left to the movieshow..... and i´d resume:
it seems that caren read this thread too and made some corrections to the first launch.....
great thing that she added that really excelent Photos and closeups - and the shots had been done probably by some professional ( due to the fact that the are realy crisp sharp focused ) .... just remeber the huge amount of shots from amateurs at ebay with bad focus and looking like the fog in London at the ages of Sherlock Holmes....
that was realy a need - otherwise that apple I would have never had a serious chance to get sold...
second the info´s on the former owner had been added.... allthough it confirmed my thoughts, that he might have passed away and the apple I is sold by his lady..... lots of us vets had same serious problems with cancer... i just remember back and am happy that i survived a series of several cancer treatments and spent most of my time from ´86 to ´92 in the varios clinics to survive that creepy mess... a lot of guys surrendered to that silent killer, while he was stealing away day after day s little bit more of your power of living, at the end most of the non-survivors just dropped the line.... i just for example must really be happy that i decided after the duty to drop my US citizenship and emigrate to Germany..... I had here in Germany excelent treatments and survived - and i don´t know if I would have gotten the same good treatment by the VA too....
I´ve heard a lot of bad stories to that... and cancer surely can´t be treated with psychomeds....

and last not least I really agree to the idea, that the lady thought over and agreed to grant some of the bidded money to the foundation and support some kids that are really in bad and difficult circumstances... I guess that will realy meet up with the intention of the former owner.... I´m sure he would have agreed with that idea too....

so finally lets watch the bid...
the minor defecit that the manual probably might have been replaced with a later signed version is a only minor issue... probably we´ll see that apple I in some months again at sothebies or christies....
it´s a law to money... if you compare money at the bank running with some 5 or 6 % and an apple I that might be cleaned up by a specialist and placed in New York in one or two years and making a hop from 175k to say something around 240 K will surely be a neat bit of profit in that short period of time compared to the losses probably made in the same period of time with some bad bets on the stockmarket....

and if it really gets its bid it will for sure really help some kids....- and that will be surely worth singing a song for christmas and the kids.... after two heartstrokes i´m for sure off from bidding, but there are a lot of guys out there that surely have the money to give a bid...
so lets watch for the final curtain...

the only final prayer that leaves my lips at this point is that the guy that makes the bis is mnot that kind of guy like the one who framed up some boards like pictures sevral years ago... thats blasphemie ....
no apple 1 should end up that way - stuck up in a frame above the fireplace like a painting....
the better solution would be to grant it to a museum to be viewed by the public with a neat little bronzeplate: granted to this ... museum by ..... and the bill for the bid in the files of the tax-authorities... tha´ll be O.K. .... and besides it´ll be a thing to remain as mamorial of the bidder...

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

yep ! the final curtain went down with no bids.... so the guess that this price was to a poker game with too high bluff and all players went out by pushing ahead without entering anything in the pot.... even if you´ve got four aces or a royal flush they are not always paid.....
so now the bar is open for bets where to see this cute apple I again: christies ? sothebies ? or again here in ebay...
i´d guess probably not the last.... just by the way if it isn´t set back to ebay - how much will ebay charge for this attempt ?
I´d guess that the lady is not up that fast in hurry and will think it over .... probably the device will be cleaned up by professionals and prepared for the next jump to New York......
and with little more documentation the device probably will get its price....
if anybody has a regular repeated view to the auctiontemples in New York - it will be neat to get the link here if the apple I starts up again to rush for a new owner.... we always must bear in mind, that a lot of people that enter at christies or sothebies wouldn´t even waste a view to anything offered at ebay....
its just a little bit frustration that the charity for the kids won´t get some money for christmas.....
the offers in the auctiontemples are usually not connected with a charitypromise.....

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

I had an Apple One and was looking at buying another on Ebay as well as an investment. It is different to the one i have and mine is original, I know that for a fact. It actually looks like the mimeo replica...IS IT? I don't know about computers much although I have a few online stores now. I was concerned that it wasn't original as the components were different to mine. I actually found a second Apple One in Canada and purchased it, real cheap! I was lucky the seller did not even know what the board was out, He had it advertised as old apple computer board. I received it five days ago and it is identical to my first Apple One and it still has me wondering is the one on Ebay original ? Can any one help me, I live in Australia and love to chat to her again about her board if i was sure it is original.

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

well as mentioned in the top area of this thread ( after the jokes on the special delivery ) there had been several post to that topic and some owners of the mimeo mentioned that the mineo has a little other kind of layout at the bendings of the layer that seem to be little bit more "rounded" and the fact that under normal circumstance the mimeo contains the logo from Mike Willegal who redesigned the board... so the mimeo is well documented at the internet with good photos to zoom in and the photos published with this appleboard ( at least the ones released in the later time of the auction ) - can be zoomed in rather close too ( if you copy and paste the pictures to word-document ) - so it is posible to carefully compare the 2 boards and find out the differences.... at least in the above posts there have been none added with doubts on that....

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

Does your Apple I have an NTI logo on it under the Apple Computer 1 logo? I expect it does. This one on ebay was a pre-NTI board, they were made in batches, and the pictures look correct for one of those boards, however it is missing parts, has a broken edge connector and needs a lot of restoration or care. The board itself looks un-molested by modifications which is a very good thing.

Congrats on your Apple I find, post some pics of your board to a new thread, we always like to see and document a new board here !!!


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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

Not sure I believe this story about the multiple apple ones you have acquired.

Not to be argumentative, but can you tell us more?

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

dup sorry

apple_1's picture
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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

The difference is in the detail between any Apple 1 replica and an original Apple 1 board.
The Mimo board is not an exact copy of the Apple 1 PCB, board color, different IC's, the date on the components used, there are other differences if you compare the boards side by side. If you examine originals they begin to have tell tale fingerprints to them, look at the soldering on this board. The case was probably a one off or low volume unit produced at the time when most computers came simply as boards. It may have been originally intended for a home built terminal attached to a television. With the Apple II you could buy this just as a printed circuit board and people would fit them into whatever cabinets they could afford or had access to.

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

The easiest way to check for a Mimeo is to check the back lower right hand corner. There are no smiley faces or URLs on the real thing.

Mike W.

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

Even when you do see a Mimeo with the exact same IC sockets (which were really hard to find, since the Mimeo normally uses much better quality sockets than the real Apple I), you can notice the color is off for the "green" coating. Also the Mimeo boards are not 30+ years old so they look new, aging the board would not be so easy without actually damaging them.

for comparison...
Link to Hi-res Mimeo with Apple I IC sockets

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

I can see that the cassette interface in the Apple 1 is mounted in the wrong side : ).

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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

So I'm reviving this thread just to add some color, I was doing a search and this thread came up and I realized you guys might be interested.

I got to work on this board earlier this year. The case was actually a thin plastic top terminal case. The keyboard was cut out poorly and the stiffener removed from the datanetics keyboard. Then rivets were used to secure the keyboard using scrap plastic from the cutout. I don't recall if I publicly posted the pic,but I had to repair the edge connector and there were a few dead chips.

More on the case... There was no power switch only a lamp cord and plug. There was also minimal ventilation, so this machine did not run for long periods of time as the LM323k would have gotten very hot. The screws were very heat cycled.

I'll try to post some pics tomorrow. I'm on my iPhone right now and have to pull those up on my Mac.


speedyG's picture
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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

Hello Corey,
so finally the unit "found it´s path" to your desk.....
I´m glad to hear that.... so the unit is probably to become professional care upfront of
getting a announcement at a Christie´s or Sothebies catalog sometime this year and probably will make it
to a museum....
I´ld be glad to view some of the pictures, if you are permitted to take some .....

Last seen: 1 day 18 hours ago
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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

Well I worked on this one a while ago, so I only have some pics I took myself back then. It's in a private collection right now. I don't know if owners plans on it ever coming up for sale. Not everyone who contacts me to get a machine running is an auction house. I do get private collectors who want it for themselves... and for the record... Not every machine I get running is an Apple-1. I do enjoy other vintage computers Wink I even decided for VCF East this year to not do anything Apple.

Picture of the board


Picture of the split edge connector. This is a very early Apple-1 since the edge connector is in backwards. Some of the very early Byte Shop boards are this way.

Fixing the edge connector

The case


And the Datanetics keyboard being cleaned, notice no mounting brackets and stiffeners.


The connector also was cut to allow it to fit in the case.


I have video of the system running, just don't know if I'm allowed to share that.


gsmcten's picture
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Re: apple 1 for sale ebay

Go Corey! Smile

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