Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver aluminium case ?

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Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver aluminium case ?

Hello to all AF-members....

at the moment i´m trying to solve a repair thread here.

Unfortunatly i only have powersupplies from "later era" in the gold colored aluminiun case ......

I need 2 pictures of the inside of the old supply in the old silver color case...

1 from top with view to the components of the PCB
1 from the solderside

( both preferably with hires at least 3000 x 1500 pixels )
good lighting as detailed as possible with good lighting ( good enough to recognize correct colors of the resistors )
or even with additional detail pictures of sections of the supply...

if such pictures are availiable please place here links to the pictures......
thanks a lot !


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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...

Crap, I looked, apparently I didn't take a pic when I changed my powerswitch. Now it's riveted back together...


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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...

Riveted? Wouldn't that be a bit inconvenient? What about using self tapping screws so that it would be easier to disassemble it at a later time?

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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...

It's a Rev-0, so I fixed the switch, put in new rivets and and as Mike Willegal like to joke about me, I put oxidizer on the rivets to age them....

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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...

Hi speedyG,
I'm away on vacation until Monday night, but when I get back, I should be able to take pictures of my silver supply for you.

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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...

Hello fri0701,

that would be great....

up to my researches now, there is only few stuff availiable to the powersupplies....
and most of it isn´t that usefull to newbies or amateurs....

so besides the running task even if the pictures become in that thread not that important,
i have decided to make a complete set of what i call "basic pages" in my site,
like the pages i have made about the DiskII and the keyswitches ....

With pictures of the powersupplies of the pictures you would mail together with the pictures i have taken from my powersupplies
( that are the ones in the goldcolored case and the ones used in the IIGS ) and adding the related circuitplans,
explaining how they work, showing the most common issues and recommended servicing tasks....
and marking in the pictures the most important measuring points....
and then listing here the link to that page.....

In the DiskII pages for example i had recieved several pictures from javstar that have been used and i refered and mentioned to him at the pictures i have used from him.


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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...

Hi speedyG,
I'm away on vacation until Monday night, but when I get back, I should be able to take pictures of my silver supply for you.
....this was a week ago...

Hello fri0701,
is there a chance to get some picture from the inside this weekend or during the upcoming week ?
that would be great....

At the moment unless any pictures have been mailed yet -
i´m still urgently hunting for such pictures !

sincerely speedyG

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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...

Hi speedyG,
Sorry for the wait! I've been very busy this week with some unexpected hurdles, but I'll get them to you soon.

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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...

Hi speedyG,
I've taken pictures for you and posted them to an imgur album available here:

The component-side of the board is broken up into several images, due to the resistors hidden by other components. I've tried to adjust the lighting so that all the color bands can be seen, but if you need any other info, let me know and I'll get back to you ASAP.

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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...

Hello fri0701,

They are all OK and well for working with.....
and the one with total view from top is also
"workable" - i was able to enlight the darkened/shaded area with photoshop and lighten it up that far,
that it´s usable too.....
if there is anything missing - it would just be a picture from the inside of the casewall containing the
view to the internal side of the powerswitch and the internal side of the powerplugconnector.....
but i can take that from another PSU....

Up to the moment sorting pictures and different kinds of PSU and circuitplans i decided to at least comment and
explain 4 basic kinds of powersupplies used and in several details there will be treated at least 8 different
PSU´s 4 or 5 of them from Apple and 3 or 4 from thirdparty companies ( like those for heavy duty in the
black cases and 2 from former production in Taiwan mentioning also some of the dangerous ones ! )....

At this one i recognized a mod i´ve not seen before:
- at this one someone has soldered an aluminium plate to the top of the heatsink for the switching transistor !
In all powersupplies i have seen previously this kind of mod has not been present, but instead there was the view to the switching powertransistor itself possible.....

Question to the community: Has anybody seen such a modification too ?
Was this common in that supplies or is this a more rare experiment to add sufficient cooling area to the heatsink ?
Or is this probably a private mod or performed by service technician ? The stamps at the plate added indicate to me
that this has been performed at factory and should be a mod present in a larger bunch of that series....

The entire set of basic pages related to the PSU´s will be finished before christmas..... i´ll place here link to that pages.


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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...

Hi speedyG,
I'm glad the pictures worked out!

Just for reference, the other side of the PSU has a red and white label, and the serial number is 18419.

I'd give you more information about the computer it came in, but unfortunately, I got it in a parts lot and do not own the computer it came with.

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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...

Hello fri0701,

the information about the related computer is not required...
in general explained i want to make several general pages about the basics of the powersupplies,

first by explaining the different variations, then explaining how to identify the different typs,
second next explaining by functionblocks how they operate and differences in operation by different variations,
third then getting closer to the components by introducing the circuitplans and the related parts explained by
various pictures of various types of PCBs and
forth then explaining the relation between circuitplan and components
and how to identify components and
fifth finally explaining common failures and mistakes in the supplies and
sixth how to attempt repair and safty precautions....

the entire stuff will probably cover 5 or 6 html pages, which will compare to about 15 to 20 pages of conventional
lettersize pages....

the link to the diskpages might give impression about how far in depth the topic will be explained and treated....

my target will be to make a kind of reference to this topic answering the most questions related
to use, service and repair of that devices and
equipping the user with several circuitplans and details
that will enable the user to detect the mistakes and how to solve a repair task....

If you are curious you can "snoop" at the development of that pages at:

but please bear in mind that at the moment this is still a "running process", meaning that even when
finished i must re-read and correct spelling and mistakes that might be in the text at the moment.
I first want to get the basic text and contents in the pages, then probably edit and modify structure
and then finally after proof reading edit the layout and check the visibility and understanding of the pages.
I might then probably decide to rewrite some portions for better understandability to newbies to the content.

when pages are complete - i will publish all links here, as announced in previous posting....

sincerely speedyG

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...


Now see what you've done???

You've given SpeedyG another project!

Give him a month and it will be up on his site! LOL!!!

You Go Speedy!

Steven Smile

speedyG's picture
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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...

Hello Steven,

fri0701 is innocent.... i made up my mind previous to that point to create such "basic pages".....

In fact there is only very few to nearly no stuff availiable at the internet that explains in detail
the way this powersupplies are working and therefor this stuff seems to be one of the remaining
"mysteries of electronics" to newbies and amateurs....

at the other hand a lot of that supplies fail or get damaged and it´s upmost important for the user to understand
"the how it works" if he wants to make attempts for repair. That´s the reason this topic is now treated.... while viewing the supplies i have, to take pictures from - besides those i have published at the pages:
i recognized that i don´t have any pictures from the powersupplies in the silver aluminium case and
therefor started this thread to get equipped with such pictures....

Within the later upcoming text i want to make close relation to pictures taken from various supplies to
explenations in text - so users will be able to identify specific components the purpose of that components
and how they may fail...

so the reason i allready published the link to the first page, was to get feedback from those "snooping"
at the page allthough it´s not finished ... just to see if it is to much technical for newbies to understand
or if the stuff is explained in a kind of way that amateur is able to understand rather well....


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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...

Nice work with the documentation about power supplies, SpeedyG!

Having had a peek of what's already there a thing that's been bothering me since I got my IIGS again popped to surface. My IIGS originates from across the pond so it accepts only 110 Volts and needs a step down converter in order to be able to use it here.

I suppose, that the operating principle of a PSU is the same regardless of input voltage. Would it be even theoretically possible to change the components of the primary voltage side so that they would accept 240 V? I suppose at least the filter caps and transformer coils need to be changed, right? Is it the physical size of components or something else which makes such an operation unfeasible?

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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...

Hello protek,
exactly same question was passed over to me by a german friend too....
that is one of the reasons i now make this pages....
in fact there is nearly no information at all to this question availiable...
but while making this pages i´m also performing analysis and i will try to explain
solutions and problems related to this topic in part of the following pages too....
so please just beware patience and keep track while the pages are made and published / updated till the topic is treated...

This is quite a bunch of stuff and i want to be carefull treating all aspects of the topic....
first starting with general overview, then spotting out details and exploring / explaining that details
and switching along the details from one to the next ( schortcut protection and feedback to primary
section will come up soon ) and then covering mods, repairs and finally historic facts .....

you may recognize advance every two or three days in the pages...


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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...

Thanks SpeedyG! I'll be following how the documentation progresses.

speedyG's picture
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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...

Hello Steven,

i´d be glad if you would review the current status of the page and give feedback, if the
explenations can be understood well by amateurs, or if it is "too technical" and difficult
to understand.... i hope the level is kept in manner that most members will be able to follow
up the text.


gsmcten's picture
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Re: Any picture of inside view to Old powersupply in silver ...


I'll give her a look.
You know that if I can understand it, anybody can. lol

Steven Smile

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