Another hello from a new member

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Last seen: 5 years 17 hours ago
Joined: Jan 27 2011 - 12:51
Posts: 114
Another hello from a new member

Hi everyone, I joined as a member a few days ago and wanted to introduce myself. As a young teenager I grew up with a IIe as our family computer from 1984-87, and the experiences that I had programming/gaming on that machine, as well as sharing/swapping floppies with my other AII owning friends as an after-school activity, became a wonderful and influential part of my childhood. Later, having moved on to the Mac for school and console machines for video games, I dumbly stood by as our IIe (and floppy library) was given away (perhaps to be trashed!) without giving any second thought to it.

Fast forward many years, and in response to nostalgia for that wonderful machine and its software I recently purchase a very clean Enhanced IIe system (with Apple color monitor and Dual Disk drive) and have been enjoying getting back into all things AII related. A big part of this was that I now have 2 kids of my own, and while they are currently too young to fully appreciate it, I hope that one day we can enjoy using the IIe together if for no other reason than to amuse them with "what a computer was when Dad was a kid". I may even one day introduce them to programming in LOGO just so they can appreciate what a strangely surreal experience it was for Dad in junior high to be pushing the turtle around the screen as part of "computer class" circa 1982!

It's great to be a member of this site, and I look forward to interesting discussions with other AII enthusiasts here.


PS: I'm now on the lookout for a nice original Apple II from the 1977-79 era (you may have seen my ad in the WTB forum). If anyone has one they'd consider selling, I'd love to hear from you!

gsmcten's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: Oct 4 2005 - 18:52
Posts: 2629
Re: Another hello from a new member


"Welcome Aboard".

If you read my profile you will find that (although I was a bit older) I started off with Apple II's in in the mid eightie's. I have been an avid II fan ever since. Lot's of good information from really good folks up here. Smile

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