Announcing the Marina IP stack for Apple II

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Announcing the Marina IP stack for Apple II

Because I wanted to learn more about ethernet and TCP/IP networking, and because I was dissatisfied with existing TCP/IP implementations for the Apple, I decided to write my own implementation. It is called Marina.

I started on February 1st of this year, taking a Uthernet/CS8900A driver that I'd written about 2 years ago, and in 2 months' time I have written decent implementations of IP, ARP, UDP, DHCP, with little bits of ICMP, and the start of a DNS resolver.

As far as I know, Marina is the first IP stack for Apple II to include a Link-Local addressing implementation. It has several other unique features too, but that was the one feature that I really wanted to have in a TCP/IP stack for Apple II.

Visit the Marina web site for documentation and downloads.

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Re: Announcing the Marina IP stack for Apple II

The latest edition of Marina is now released; it contains a domain name resolver. See the web site link in the first post to download the latest program and documentation.

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Re: Announcing the Marina IP stack for Apple II

Where can we find a schematic of the Uthernet card for A2 in case it was available?

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Re: Announcing the Marina IP stack for Apple II the latest program and documentation.

But... no source?

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Re: Announcing the Marina IP stack for Apple II

Where can we find a schematic of the Uthernet card for A2 in case it was available?

Ask Glenn Jones. The Uthernet card is really just a bus interface for the IP Dragon II module which in turn is just some glue for the CS8900A Ethernet controller. In any case, I don't see why Mr. Jones would have any reason to keep his schematic to himself. the latest program and documentation.

But... no source?

Start your disassembler?

No, but seriously, I'm hesitating to release source now until I have Marina the way I like it, and that will probably be when I've got the program generalized enough that it can be used to write real applications with either a standardized assembly interface, or an Applesoft ampersand extension.

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Re: Announcing the Marina IP stack for Apple II

No, but seriously, I'm hesitating to release source now until I have Marina the way I like it, and...

Ok, fine. A couple points about that. Perfect is the enemy of the good. And: you get to throw stones at my source code in public; I can't do the same thing back. No fair.

But seriously - now I get to be serious - sometimes it is a good thing to get help from others. Putting your code out where others can assemble it too has benefits for you. Unless you want to claim sole credit or some other megalomaniacal thing like that. And I'm sure that's not the case.

Dog Cow's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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Posts: 554
Re: Announcing the Marina IP stack for Apple II

No, but seriously, I'm hesitating to release source now until I have Marina the way I like it, and...

Ok, fine. A couple points about that. Perfect is the enemy of the good. And: you get to throw stones at my source code in public; I can't do the same thing back. No fair.

Ok, OK! Just let me refactor some ugly code first! Smile I didn't realize that slot independence was such as big deal. :-0

But seriously - now I get to be serious - sometimes it is a good thing to get help from others. Putting your code out where others can assemble it too has benefits for you. Unless you want to claim sole credit or some other megalomaniacal thing like that. And I'm sure that's not the case.

No, I'm not the megalomaniac TCP/IP stack writer. I'm just the one who wants to do a decent job at it, as far as his abilities will let him.

Dog Cow's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: Dec 11 2008 - 16:26
Posts: 554
Re: Announcing the Marina IP stack for Apple II

The June 2016 edition is now out!

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