Airport networks and Classic OS

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Airport networks and Classic OS

I believe that one should always make the most of what they have. I try to avoid buying the latest,cutting edge technology unless I can justify the expense (The being said, I do not need an iPhone X to do what my iPhone 6 does just fine and I cannot use my PM 8600 to manage that device...). So I am looking for help and mentoring on my home network. Details of my hardware are better described [url=]here[/url], but the short of it is that I have a [url=]G3 laptop[/url] and a couple of Lucent WaveLan cards (Bronze, Silver, and Gold). When inserted into the card slot, the cards will happily show as "AirPort" card. I can configure my laptop to operate as a base station, sharing the ethernet connection (or modem). What i cannot do is connect this laptop using this card to my existing AirPort network which is facilitated by my AirPort Extreme (flying saucer version). I just cannot seem to resolve this and am chalking my failures up to a inexperience and a lack of knowledge. Meanwhile, if I use a NetGear card i have and the driver from IOXperts, the laptop connects just fine (albeit for only 30 minutes). I was unable to register my copy of the software and have been unsuccessful finding a key on the abandonware sites. My current network is set to be open/no password but does require the MAC address of the hardware be registered - all mentioned cards are registered and were known to work with my newton connecting to this same network many moons ago. 1. Is there some reason why I cannot use my Lucent "Airport" card(s) to connect to my current network? 2. Do I need to alter the configuration of my network? I cannot see ANY networks as options to choose and I thought even if un-joinable, I should still see the ten or so I can easily see in my area in the list of networks available. (These all show up under the IOXperts-supported card). 3. Is there an extension I need to load other than the ones that came with OS 9.x? 4. If I downgraded my AirPort to a Graphite (M7601LL/B or M8209LL/A), would this possibly alleviate my issue? TIA --ddtm

Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: Jul 14 2018 - 12:54
Posts: 146
1) Yes.  Unfortunately, Mac

1) Yes.  Unfortunately, Mac OS 10.3 and below are not compatible with the current wifi security standards.

2) Don't know, but as you said, even if your G3 could see the network, odds are that it wouldn't be able to join it (God knows mine won't).

3) No.  Sorry, but that doesn't yet exist to my knowledge.

4) Almost certainly.  An older router should alleviate your problems, and would likely still work with newer equipment.  However, there are still some security issues involved.

doug-doug the mighty's picture
Last seen: 1 week 4 days ago
Joined: Apr 14 2004 - 17:52
Posts: 1410
been a while since I have

been a while since I have been able to circle back to this...


so I now have three options in front of me:

1. acquire an earlier generation Airport

2. acquire the unlock code for the IOXperts software...

3.  abandon my archaic hardware and just keep playing the "upgrade game" (which I do not wish to do)


So I guess I am in the market for an older Airport.  As for the security concerns, I use MAC adress registering to ensure that only my hardware can connect to the subnetwork.  This is most helpful with my Newtons.

Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: Mar 31 2020 - 19:55
Posts: 848
My initial guess is that your

My initial guess is that your AirPort hub doesn't support the full, original specification's authentication protocols, or its broadcast ID protocols.


Why not use the 10bT Ethernet on the 8600? You can bypass all of the wireless protocol hell, if you do, as the wired NIC will always be seen by any switch...


Wireless was very rare in the pre-G4 Era. I ran a G4 TiBook on Wireless, and it was probably the first Apple laptop on which I used that feature. A cheap switch is all that you need, between your base station and your fibre/satellite/&c connection. 


You could also buy an original AirPort, white brick, but you will still need a switch between it, and your fibre connection. You would connect both the AirPort (Express) and the AirPort extreme routers to the switch, and the switch to your modem. The original AirPort bricks shoul be dirt cheap, and you can find a cheap switch for a tenner. 


I used to have a utility that had a database of cracks and encryption keys for discontinued software, but IDR what it was called. If I remember, I'll let you know and try to provide it, if that doesn't voilate site TOU. I see this as fair use, if it is no longer possible to register the software legitimately, which is why I had it in the first place. 


Other than that, I'm not familiar with those specific WLAN cards. 





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