AdvSkel65 doesn't work on 128k Apple2enh

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Joined: Nov 12 2022 - 16:50
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AdvSkel65 doesn't work on 128k Apple2enh

Hi!  I've been heavily optimizing and improving my AdvSkel65 program.  Right now, I'm preparing the latest version of PrintTok for my codes, and this version supports up to 128 one-byte tokens and more text adventure-related control characters, including tab and clear screen.  However, the 128k Apple2enh version gives me an error #67 while loading a stub into memory.  The 64k version shows no problem, and neither do the other ports.  I suspect stack corruption, as that happened to me several times before.  I attached the ProDOSi code to open files and read data and the code's main file.  If you have any ideas on what's wrong, I ask you to tell me.  BTW, I use the following line to compile the 64k version:


cl65 -t apple2enh -C apple2enh-system_noaux_prodosi.cfg -Ors -Cl -o advskel.system crt0_apple.s player.c rooms.c words.c wordsdb.c wordsdb2.c loadmain.c printtok.c open.s read.s filename.c prodosi.lib a2simpio.lib


and the 128k version:


cl65 -t apple2enh -C apple2enh-system_aux_prodosi.cfg -D__USEFARMEM__ -Ors -Cl -o advskel.system crt0_apple.s player.c rooms.c words.c wordsdb.c wordsdb2.c loadmain.c loadaux.c printtok.c open.s read.s filename.c prodosi.lib a2simpio.lib auxmemapple.lib