8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)

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8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)

This is a highly modified version of Lunar Lander (Rocket) from 101 Basic Computer Games, where the original has no graphics, this has ASCII graphics with a lot of hidden effects
This will run on an 8k Apple-1 or Mimeo with Basic loaded


If you don't have the ACI output hooked up to a pre-amp or digital buffer and a speaker or are going to try an emulator that doesn't support the ACI audio hack, just remove all the GOSUB's to the 900 range… But I kinda like the sound when you run out of fuel

Don't forget the LOMEM=768


For the audio WAV file use the following ACI memory load settings....
004A.00FFR 0300.0FFFR

Apple I Lunar Lander Code
WAVE File to load on Apple I ACI

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Re: 8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)

My son suggested this change if you want a less busy DIGBY screen in the game....

489 TAB (X): IF X=Y1 THEN PRINT "^";:IF X#Y1 THEN PRINT ".";:B1=1

The joys of basic games, you can easily change them....


So if anyone has any cool changes to lander, please post the code here.... I only ask that you "test" them as I am really bumping against the memory wall on the Apple-1/Mimeo. I had many ideas, but couldn't fit them in.

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Re: 8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)

This program will not work as is, with versions Brain Board/Wozanium pack firmware less than version 5.2. There is an issue with the the gosubs 750s in the 900 range (at the end of the program). Those gosubs call directly into the original Cassette interface driver to generate sound. This driver is still present in the Wozanium PROM, but is incompatible with Apple II hardware and will crash the system.

There are several fixes available.

1) remove the call 750s at the end of the program. LInes 900 and 910.

2) Change the pokes in line 999 to call the Wozanium A2 cassette Driver at 0xd0d7:
999 POKE 750,169:POKE 752,32:POKE 753,215:POKE 754,208:POKE 755,96:RETURN

3) If you have a PROM burner, fix the Wozanium cassette driver to work with the A2 hardware by erasing a bit in the PROM - change location 0x01EA in PROM from 0xBC to 0xAC.

4) If you don't have a PROM burner, send your board or prom back to me and I'll erase the bit for you.

With fixes 2, 3 or 4 in place, you can attach a preamp to the cassette output of the Apple 2 and get the same sounds as if you were running on an actual Apple 1. It's kind of funky because the A2 has a built in speaker, which is bypassed, but it works.

If you are running a Wozanium PROM image in an Apple II emulator either:
1) remove the call 750s at the end of the program. Lines 900 and 910.

2) change line 999 to call the Wozanium ACI driver at 0xd1d7:
999 POKE 750,169:POKE 752,32:POKE 753,215:POKE 754,209:POKE 755,96:RETURN

Finally if you don't have a preamp for the cassette output, there is an inexpensive design on my website that will work for this application.

Mike Willegal

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Re: 8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)

Here is a link to a version (with the . change) that has no audio ACI ROM dependancies so that you can use it on a replica-1 or emulator with out an ACI (i.e. Brain Board/Wozanium pack firmware less than version 5.2)

Link to Apple-1 Lunar Lander code no ACI Audio

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Re: 8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)

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Re: 8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)


Yes, it works well and I also applied the suggested patch to make the screen a little more attractive and I patched my ACI EPROM.

Only, I would like to suggest to change the assemly code a bit, so that the presence of the ACI EPROM is no longer required. In that case it will also work with the "Apple II like soundcard" which was published on one of the forums. I may decide to write that patch myself, as the same article has some example code that could be added easily.

A big advantage would be that the code would not crash (but only create sound if the ACI or the homebuilt Apple II-like soundcard is there), if no special hardware is present at all..

Best regards,


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Re: 8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)

Do you have a link to the Apple II like sound card for the Apple I?

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Re: 8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)

Hi Corey986,

Look here: http://cowgod.org/replica1/replica1-sound.html

Please be aware that in essence the ACI hardware is infact compatible with this design, in the ACI it is also a D flipflop producing the sound. The sound software that works for this card, also works just fine with the ACI.

Test the software from cowgod with your ACI, it should work without any problems.

I tried to adapt your program last night (to generate the sounds without the ACI PROM present, but apparantly, your program is very close to the maximum seize of a basic program, when I just added a few lines I received a "memory full" notification...

Another nice project would be to create a S.A.M. card for the Apple 1 and port the Apple II Software Automatic Mouth software! The hardware is very simple and easy to reproduce!

Best regards,


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Re: 8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)


Yes I was very close to the memory limit on an Apple I. If you are not using an Apple I or Mimeo, but a Replica One, you can simply increase the HIMEM for basic. The reason you need the ACI Rom is that I am cheating by reusing the ACI code to save memory. While I have written songs and other stuff using the flip flop in the ACI as a sound card, those programs weren't so close to the memory limit of an 8k Apple I/Mimeo with Basic loaded.


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Re: 8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)

Here is a little change if you want to disable the "Any Key" stops the program when it refreshes and reenable when the program ends... I'm always getting ahead of my self and accidentally stopping the program.

435 GOSUB 950
880 GOSUB 960

950 POKE -6030,234:POKE-6029,234:RETURN
960 POKE -6030,48:POKE-6029,79:RETURN

Should mention, on Brain Board and Replica-1 where Basic is in ROM/PROM, this won't do a thing. This little modification is for Apple-1/Mimeo/Obtronix systems.... and On a Replica-1 which re-draws faster than an Apple-1 it may not even be something you want to do anyway.

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Re: 8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)

So I'm resurrecting this thread because I just discovered it.

Sound on my new Mimeo 1????? Cool.

AND a game that uses it? Even cooler.

I saw Mike W's link to a preamp that will work with programs like this ( http://www.willegal.net/preamp/preamp.htm ). Can I just hook up the output of this preamp to an 8-ohm speaker and have it output sound on my Mimeo? Has anyone done anything similar to this on their setup? The linked page describes it as for a "dynamic microphone", so I'm not sure how it would work in my setup.

Are there any other games/programs out there that use sound on the Apple 1? Anyone make a music keyboard simulator for the Apple 1 yet? Any sort of other music programs out there?

Update: Hey I found Corey's "Twinkle Twinkle" as well - awesome. Can't wait to try these out.

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Re: 8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)

the preamp is probably more than what is needed - when I experimented with Coreys Lunar Lander with sound, I used a simple LM286 based audio amp that was in a small enclosure with a speaker. I originally built the amplified speaker to provide a speaker output for a bat detector instead of using a high impedance earphone. I would think almost any amplified speaker would work or you could connect to the headphone input of a computer or tablet.

Mike Willegal

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Re: 8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)


I just can't help myself...

A "Bat Detector"??

Steven Smile

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Re: 8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)

I built one of these: http://pw1.netcom.com/~t-rex/BatDetector.html

It's kind of fun to pull out during summer evening outdoor parties - though my neighbors aren't all that impressed. I ended up building a separate, small amplified speaker powered by a 9 volt battery, so everyone could listen in without passing around an earphone. The speaker is what I connected to the Apple 1 cassette output to get sound.

Mike Willegal

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Re: 8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)

the preamp is probably more than what is needed - when I experimented with Coreys Lunar Lander with sound, I used a simple LM286 based audio amp that was in a small enclosure with a speaker. I originally built the amplified speaker to provide a speaker output for a bat detector instead of using a high impedance earphone. I would think almost any amplified speaker would work or you could connect to the headphone input of a computer or tablet.

Mike Willegal

OK, thanks Mike. I'll experiment with what I've got.

You've got all sorts of interesting things up your sleeve!

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Re: 8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)

So I was able to test out the Lunar Lander and while it does have sound, it's pretty basic. I forgot to test the "out of fuel" sound that was mentioned, but I'll try it next time.

I ran the "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" from Corey, and it's really cool, and something my 3-year old can appreciate. Finally, an answer for when she comes up to me when I'm working on this stuff and asks, "Hey Daddy - what are you doing?"

I also noticed a few other things. I tried plugging in a simple set of earbud headphones into the audio-out of the ACI, and it worked great, so if anyone is looking for a really easy way of testing this out, this is a way.

Another thing I noticed was that when you are reading in a cassette file, the audio input (to the ACI) is echoed through the ACI output. This is really useful for me, since I like to hear what the ACI is being fed. Before this, I was just clicking my iPod and watching in silence and suspense, hoping that I had the right volume level and that it reads in correctly. This at least allows me to monitor the sound from the audio input file while I'm loading. It can also help you adjust volume levels based on differing volume levels on different audio files.

Because I find this audio echo out feature so helpful, I'm going to rig up a permanent audio amplifier/speaker/volume control into my final Mimeo build.

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