I will never have the money for a Lisa though I do have short story:
When Lisa came out my dads company (rockewell international at the time) replaced most amber screen PC's with Lisa's. When Lisa bombed and the company went to MAC, they THREW AWAY THE ENTIRE LISA INVENTORY. And I mean literally threw them away in the TRASH. This was of course way before recycling was popular and definitely before ebay.
Anyways.. My question is - would a 2gs main board even FIT inside of a Lisa case? Been an extremely long time since I've seen one.
I suppose the other question would be - is there any way to connect a raspi to the Lisa Display?
As the opening line states, I will never have money for a Lisa - but a case maybe.
Are you planning on just the IIgs board with no cards? You should have plenty of room.
[quote=Tom Owad]
Are you planning on just the IIgs board with no cards? You should have plenty of room.
Not sure im "planning" anything - but after looking at the way the Lisa is setup I understand why you ask that question. Cards would be difficult.... a whole daughterboard dedicated to expansion would make things difficult... crap.
any ideas on how easy it is to adapt Lisa's monitor to other architecture? Starting to sound like my hybrid Lisa might not be very feesible at all...
In my opinion it would be better to leave a Lisa case for someone who needs the parts to restore a Lisa or to house their Lisa motherboard.
The Lisa monitor is really nothing all that special. The resolution is overkill for most Apple II applications and it is monochrome so not that desirable for many Apple II applications. There are many easier ways to get a good display for an Apple II.
In my opinion it would be better to leave a Lisa case for someone who needs the parts to restore a Lisa or to house their Lisa motherboard.
The Lisa monitor is really nothing all that special. The resolution is overkill for most Apple II applications and it is monochrome so not that desirable for many Apple II applications. There are many easier ways to get a good display for an Apple II.
[/quote] my desire had ZERO to do with the display and EVERYTHING to do with having a 2gs in a Lisa case.
In my opinion it would be better to leave a Lisa case for someone who needs the parts to restore a Lisa or to house their Lisa motherboard.
The Lisa monitor is really nothing all that special. The resolution is overkill for most Apple II applications and it is monochrome so not that desirable for many Apple II applications. There are many easier ways to get a good display for an Apple II.
[/quote] my desire had ZERO to do with the display and EVERYTHING to do with having a 2gs in a Lisa case.
matter of fact - I'd be ticketed to find a gutted LISA and do it that way.. no big deal...s