Custom Enclosure - Floppy Emu

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Lee_Adamson's picture
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I don't think the lack of a

I don't think the lack of a logo is a big deal.  It looks like the space where it goes is smooth enough that we can apply our own decals if so inclined.


Thanks for all your hard work on this, bro.  I am chomping at the bit for it, haha.

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Guys,Thanks very much for the


Thanks very much for the positive responses. Appreciate it. I still want to come up with a good solution for everyone.




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Small update...... nearly

Small update...... nearly there guys.

The last parts arrived this week and I now have everything.

Pulled my prototype apart last night and re-soldered the LED connections in a different configuration for testing purposes. The intent was to have a simple setup that did not require removal of onboard LEDS and wouldnt create a parallel circuit with excessive current draw. The intent is now to have the new LED connected via a 560 ohm resistor in the harness to the high side of R1 (Power) and R2 (Status) and the low side of corresponding D1 and D2. This should limit the overall draw for that existing circuit segment to ~20mA. Physically tested it and I think the brightness is pretty close to original. I think its a better solution especially for those who didnt want to remove the onboard LEDs like I had originally done.

So that was good to get squared away. Can now finalise instruction manual.

Will post a photo of an actual logo less panel soon for people to make up their minds about. But in the meantime here is a mockup of the aluminium panel.

Unfortunately, folks will need to add their own logos if they desire which shouldnt be too hard.




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Finally got that manual into

Finally got that manual into shape. Hope it clarifies whats included and whats not and how its all comes together.



Cheers Dave


I've been doing a lot of soldering.... 1 hack is alright....but 30 involves hundreds of individual wire stripping and tinning / soldering operations. But they are nearly complete.


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Hope things are going well
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Hi Thatguyagain,Apologies for

Hi Thatguyagain,

Apologies for lack of updates, getting smashed at work. Just trying to sort best outcome for relabelling the front panel. Everything is in hand and ready, I just need to fix these panels correctly.

Didnt want to post anything without having some kind of advancement on it. But it is most definately still a goer.



magnusfalkirk's picture
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Just bought a broken Disk ][ on eBay

I've been following this thread from the beginning. In fact I just bought a broken Disk ][ on ebay last night so that it can be the housing for the FloppyEMU. I am ABSOLUTELY no good at doing even the simplest work with electronics. So I'd like to know if there is anybody here that would be willing to take my FloppyEMU and the Disk ][, then following PTB's instruction manual install the FlpppyEMU in the Disk ][ case. I'm more than willing to pay and include a money order to have the FloppyEMU/Disk ][ mailed back to me.


My only other question would be, do I need to purchase the parts to put the FloopyEMU in the Disk ][ case or should I include money for the parts in the money order I send? I'm really enjoying the FloppyEMU but would really like it in the Disk ][ case as that would make it more stable and easier to use. I like the case it comes in but it is so light that it can easily be moved and knocked to the floor, unless of course you pick it up.


Hoping someone will freach out and say they are willing to do this for me.


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magnusfalkirk, Where are you



Where are you located? Depending on location I can do and make the necessary 3D parts.



magnusfalkirk's picture
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Retro Bill

I'm living in the western part of Oklahoma, little town called Burns Flat. It's about 7 miles south of I-40 and 53 miles from the texas border. Where are you?

retro_bill's picture
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I am in Waukegan, IL 35 miles

I am in Waukegan, IL 35 miles NW of Chicago

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magnusfalkirk wrote:I've been
magnusfalkirk wrote:

I've been following this thread from the beginning. In fact I just bought a broken Disk ][ on ebay last night so that it can be the housing for the FloppyEMU. I am ABSOLUTELY no good at doing even the simplest work with electronics. So I'd like to know if there is anybody here that would be willing to take my FloppyEMU and the Disk ][, then following PTB's instructi



So you don't want to wait for the whole kit? 

Without the custom face plate, button board and larger screen.....It won't be quite the same.

magnusfalkirk's picture
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I'll wait for the kit

I am definitely willing to wait for the kit, I was just trying to see if anyone here would be kind enough to put it together for me. I KNOW that if I tried I'd probably destroy the FloppyEMU and not be able to put the Disk ][ back together either. As my late wife use to say, "I can't turn a hammer or swing a wrench" and I GUARANTEE that even the minor soldering that seems to need to be done to get the FloppyEMU into the Disk][ case is beyond my ability.



magnusfalkirk's picture
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Broken Disk ][

Last Thurs I got on eBay and bought a broken Disk ][. It was delivered today, so now all I need is the kit to turn the Dsik ][ into a housing for the FloppyEMU and, of course, someone will ing to do it for me. I'm no good with electronics and would hate to ruin the FloppyEMU by trying to make the changeds necessary to have it in the Disk ][ case. So, for now, I'm just waiting to hear about the kit being available to put it into the Disk ][.



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Expected price range?

Hi, I have been watching this come along and I was curious if you could give us an expected price for the kit.  A range is fine, just trying to figure out if I can afford the kit, the 3d stuff and picking up a broken Drive.  Either way, I think this looks fantastic and I know everyone appreciates all of the effort you are putting in to make it available. 

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Recommendation for the face plate?

This looks incredible. Thank you for the 3d printed parts. can 3d print too.  I usually use them and you get great quality.  Just upload, pick the medium, and order.  

For me the hardest part here is making a really nice metal printed face plate.  Its also the one topic not really discussed in the 'instructional guide'.  How do you all recommend getting a beatiful faceplate created?



magnusfalkirk's picture
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Floppy EMU enclosure

Any word on how things are going with the Floppy EMU enclosure? Last time anything was posted on progress was about a month ago and word was that it was just about ready to be shipped as kits. I'd really like to be able to install my Floppy EMU in a Disk II case, that 's why I got a broken one from eBay. Not that I'll actually be doing it. I can probably remove the the non-functional insides of the Disk II, but that's about the extent of my ability. Trying to do even the simplest soldering I'd be liable to destroy the Floppy EMU, and I really don't want to do that. So I'll be wiling to pay someone to install my Floppy EMU in the Disk II case when the kits are available.



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yet another version

All - I am working on a version inspired by this.  My version will require no soldering, far less parts too order, and look sorta almost as good ;-)   Instead of relocating the buttons, I am only relocating the screen (2.4" upgrade) and the SD Card slot.  The Floppy EMU will mount with its face flush to the face plate for putting up the buttons.  Total cost should be low as the 2.4" display was $26 and the SD Card extender was $11.  I am ordering a few peices of 1/16" vinyl too, to use for mounting everything solid.  I have reconfigured the face plate graphic to account for the change of button and lighting locations... I think it looks really good.  I've inkjet printed the face on a vinyl sticker and attaching it to a 150mm x 86mm vinyl sheet meant to replace the top panel of the BMOW case.  I really like this version, but I set out to make a simple low cost alternative that doesnt require tampering with the Floppy EMU.  

Additional feature - by relocating the SD Card slot I go from Micro SD to standard SD allowing me to use my Wifi SD Card which allows remote access to the storage and adding disk images on the fly without the need to eject the card.  

More to come as I find the time to build this out and document. I am still waiting on the screen/sd card extension and vinyl sheets.



SD Card Extention

Vinyl Sheets (not sure if this will be rigid enough, I could always add a ultra thin sheet of aluminum and cut out the holes)


Thanks -  Its all in my head right now except the faceplate graphic, and the measurement math...  (Thank you to BMOW and PTB for all the inspiration)  







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This is great too Microbmen.

This is great too Microbmen. Way cool to see all these variations on the theme. Also, good call on the Vinyl stickers. I had some professionally made and the cutouts worked a treat. I've been inmessing about with a lot of ideas to solve the copyright problem. Updated info very shortly. 

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Ok,Hopefully I'm finally


Hopefully I'm finally there. Today I got a photo back of a UV test print that looks great.


I've had a lot of trouble finding someone to UV Print the new fronts on. The first quote was horrendous. Way out of the park. The next one was more friendly but their printer was approaching the need for a service and it wasnt producing fine enough detail. I was beginning to give up on the UV printing solution and had some Bubblefree Vinyl stickers made up which had all the openings kiss cut out. These looked pretty good, but the glossiness  is a bit intense. If I was to do that again in the future, I would get the matt laminate option to protect the print and tone down the reflections. The photos dont do them justice. They are sharp and clear.



But that isnt what I am going to use. I got a recommendation for a place that did a test print for me today on some stainless steel to check. I think it looks great and I am going to see them to get the reprinting done.


Here's the photos of the test. I think they look great.



So I am super glad to finally have a way forward. Will update once I have the panels back. I have had everything else sitting here for months now.




magnusfalkirk's picture
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Looks good to me

Looks good to me, really interested in getting this kit and then finding someone in this thread that will be kind enought to put it all together for me. I've got a broken Disk II that I got through eBay a while back but my ability with anything electronic, especially soldering is zilch. Hopefully you'll be able to get everything ready in a little while and then let us know what to expect price wise. I know I'll enjoy having the Floppy EMU in a heavier enclosure so it won't move around easily.


Thanks again for this great project,


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Looks awesome PTB!!

Looks awesome PTB!!


Here is a quick sample of the solderless version I put together this weekend.  It looks great, but isnt solid.  I still want to build out a PTB special ;-)  


Its all in the spacing... 


Im currently redoing the spacing mount to make it tights, and more rigid.  I might even use a peice of foam to apply pressure to the back of the FloppyEMU.


magnusfalkirk's picture
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That looks awesome Microbmen

That looks awesome Microbmen! Is your version easier to assemble than PTB's? I'm curious because my soldering skills are nil, so I'm either going to need to find someone to put the Floppy EMU in the Disk II case I have, following  PTB's instructions, or try doing it your way if it's easier.


Either way I'm really looking forward to finally get the Floppy EMU in to a more solid case.



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Took about 4 hrs....
Tom Owad's picture
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It was relatively easy. 
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Microbmen's green display

Microbmen's green display idea is pretty cool, especially when he explained its to replicate Green Monochrome screens. Genius!

The application of the vinyl label is flawless. I'm not going vinyl now, but I am curious how you cut the openings. Everytime I have tried doing stuff like that at home, I have completely botched it.


Nice Work !


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So I edited your

So I edited your faceplate graphic and measured the distances to the buttons on the original board. Printed a few copies on paper for validation.  Then when I got it right, I printed it on vinyl sticker inkjet paper (  Then put the output into my Cricut (its a crafting cut out printer), loaded the same graphic and told the Cricut software to omit the red areas.  Cuts came out perfect on the vinyl.  On the 1/16" sheets I used an x-acto knife and did the best I could.  Since the sticker is clean, the final appearance is clean. 


Basically, I bought the 2.4" screen, a SD Card extension, and some vinyl sheets.  I first made the face plate. 150mm x 86mm.  Cut the holes using an xacto knife for the screen and SD card.  Then used a drill to cut the holes where the buttons line up.  Due to the display wires the floppyemu needs to sit about 22mm back.  So I epoxied a number of small pieces of vinyl to make up that distance.  Then put 4 screws in to hold the floppyemu to the new faceplate.   I used the plastic screws that came with the floppyemu case as the buttons.  The length was perfect. 

Everything works great but it was a bit flimsy when you put in and out the SD card. Also if you push the buttons too hard.  So I put a foam block behind everything and epoxied that to a bottom sheet of 1/16" vinyl. It was too hard to measure it up for the Disk II base plate, so I screwed the metal case into the vinyl bottom sheet.  Basically everything is epoxied except the floppyemu, the display and the sd extension.  They are  screwed in nicely.  Just used really small wood screws. 


Few things:


  • I did away with the power light (kind of pointless)
  • The activity light can be seen behind the hole, but I'd like to find a clear piece of plastic to refract the light.  Like a light tube. 
  • I went with a green screen (which im surprised more people dont do... given the green screen monochrome bliss...)
  • I prefer the full SD card slot. #1 - its one of those push and popout models, so it's easier to work with, and #2 there are so many more options for wireless if you go full SD...  I have a FlashAir SD card and can remotely add disk images without needing to pop out the card.  
  • Not sure the longevity here.


BTW - here is the final graphic, if anyone wants to play.



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Made a little demo of the solderless version.  I made a few subtle improvements.  First I found some nice black 22mm nylon screws to replace the white ones from the Floppy EMU case.  They have more of a flat back so the button pushing is spot on.  I found some 1/4" acrylic dowels on Amazon ( and cut them down to create a light rod for the activity light - works better than I had hoped. Really looking good now.  


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Thats very cool. !!The light

Thats very cool. !!The light pipe works great. 



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Thanks.  Kind of a fun

Thanks.  Kind of a fun project.  Excited to build your version. :-) 

also - i dont know why the video is glitchy above. the operation in real life is very smooth. 



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The video is perfectly smooth

The video is perfectly smooth and hi-res for me, but it is however mirrored.


Not sure why that is but I can still see your setup works great.



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Actually it plays right on my

Actually it plays right on my windows 10 PC and mirrored on my Macbook.....Weird

Both are silky smooth though :)

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Got my kit on Monday. 

Got my kit on Monday.  Purchased the 3D printed parts off Retro Bill and am waiting for them.  I can't wait to build this and will post puics next weekend of the built unit.  I could not get my 3D printer to print the parts, so I bought them from Retro Bill. Thanks Bill. 


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not sure if I lost my mind.

So I have 2 floppy emu kits built now.  1 is the solderless version I came up with, and the other is PTBs absolutely stunning soldered model.

1st impressions - Its super clean.  Took me about 45 min to put together.  The 'In Use' light is way too dim. less than half the brightness of the power LED.  also I really like the green screen better than the white (IMO).  

 Thanks Dave for this fun project.  Im going to swap out for a green screen and investigate if I can make the 'in use' brighter.


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also, the little apple

also, the little apple sticker is my own.  I printed it on a Cricut.

Thatguyagain's picture
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Just got the kit

Just got the kit, super excited



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Built the kit

Just finished it up.  10/10 would buy again.  Went together flawlessly. 

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If you want both LEDs the

For my set up, the 'in use' led was not the same brightness as the 'power on' led.  I moved the red +5v wire from the leds to both be on the +5v from the 'power on' led.  This made the leds the exact same brightness.


not sure if it was just me.





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Thanks for feedback guys. I

Thanks for feedback guys. I really appreciate it. Comments good and/or bad are all very helpful. If there are any problems please let me know either here in this thread or PM. 

I was very interested in that IN USE LED issue microbmen, but it appears you have a working solution in this case...... sooo if it aint (no longer) broke.... dont fix it ;)


By the way, here is a picture of the panels after I had them all reprinted. Very happy with these guys who did this.

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Got PTB's kit this week!

The kit arrived in the mail, and this is going to be beautiful.

Thanks for all of the hard work Dave!


Not sure if I mentioned this in a previous post, but for those people still looking for a Disk II enclosure, Mac Effects did a nice clear case for the Disk  II -

You'll still need the metal bottom plate, but the clear case is pretty awesome.



Now I just need to go onto ETSY and get an apple logo :)

retro_bill's picture
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Finished My FloppyEMU ][

Here is how mine came out


Thanks DAVE!


magnusfalkirk's picture
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I got my kit from Dave the

I got my kit from Dave the 21st of Oct. Boxed everything up and sent it to Rich from 8BitHeaven to assemble for me, since he was kind enough to volunteer to do it. Hoping to hear soon that he finally got his kit and will be working on assembling both when he has the time. Am looking forward to having the completed kit back whenever he gets it done. Seeing the pics people have been posting it looks great.



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I got mine about the same

I got mine about the same time, and have not had a spare minute to put it together.  I printed out the assembly guide and am going to put it together tomorrow.  If I get it done, I will take some pics and post them here.   


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Thanks to PTB & Retro_Bill - I got mine done

I finished my Floppy Emu Hack assembly last night and tested it.  Worked great!  I went with the green 2.4" display.  For testing I used a IIe with a Disk ][ controller and a 2GB micro SD card loaded up with hundreds of DOS3.3 disk images.  The two Disk ][ drives below were disconnected in order to connect the emu.  I apologize for the emu screen not being in tight focus.  I had no LED intensity difference at all as mentioned in an earlier post here.  Sliding the push button & display PCBs onto the panel's threaded post mounts did require some finese, making sure that all four pcb mounting holes are lowered down onto their mounting studs evenly.  These are a very tight fit, but they do fit nicely.

PTB's kit was well thought out and his PDF user manual well written with the necessary construction steps.  Retro_Bill's 3D printed mounts, stand-offs and LED bezel fasteners were perfect.  Thanks to both of you.

I plan on adding the two drive adapter from BMOW for use with the Disk ][ controller unless I can find a 5.25 disk controller for my IIe, or make my own adapter.  

One thought I had after completion was whether using two "L" shaped acrylic light pipes from the emu LEDs to the panel would be a solution rather than the panel mounted LEDs.  Granted, there are some mechanics that have to be solved to position and hold the light pipes in place.


I've been using the CFFA card for a few years and love it because of its two disk drive emulation.




clockchip's picture
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Hello, I got my kit this week


I got my kit this week and assembled it today. Everything was perfectly packaged and the manual gave me great instructions to put it together.

The device works so far without any problems but there is one minor issue.As soon as I turn on the device I have a loud noise on the internal speaker of my Apple II/GS.

I figured out that disconnecting the display of the floppy emu eliminates the noise.

Connecting the original display of the floppy emu also eliminates the noise.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be? Except for the noise, the device works perfectly.


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Microbmen, love the cricut

Microbmen, love the cricut logo. I've been interested in one of those machines for awhile. Might have to drop some christmas hints to the family ;)


Thanks for the write up lasermaster. I'm trying to think of a better way for the leds. Got a few ideas but nothing solid yet. The current system works ok, but I'm always thinking about ways to improve.



Thanks for letting me know about the speaker thing. I have absolutely no idea what could be causing that. 

I know the larger OLEDs use a different display chip, but I cant see how that would do anything. But messing about with electronics has tought me the strangest things can happen for the weirdest reasons.

I dont't have access to a II/GS so I can't test. Do you happen to have a different apple ii to try it on? If so, does it also make the noise?


Does anyone else have any ideas as to what might be happening?




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Noise on the Speaker of Apple IIGS


I tested  the Floppy Emu on my  Apple IIe Enhanced and everything works perfectly. 

So no strange noise on the speaker.

The difference between both systems is that the IIe is a PAL (German) version and the IIGS is NTSC (US).

Also the IIGS is running Applesqueezer and CFFA 3000 (removed both and still the same issue).

Hope someone has an idea to fix the problem on the IIGS.






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Apple logo - did I miss it?

Did I miss where folks are getting the Apple logo to finish off the look of their kits? 

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I printed mine on vinyl sheet

I printed mine on vinyl sheet of sticker paper, and then I used a Cricut to cut it out. I would imagine you could also print the graphic shared earlier in the thread, print it on sticker paper and cut it out by hand as well.



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Noise on the Speaker of Apple IIGS

I received my kit and simply swapped the larger oled in for the smaller oled, and I too get the buzzing sound on my IIGS stealth.  I swap the smaller oled back in and the sound goes away.

Strange how the sound is coming through the speaker, and only seems to happen on the IIGS.

It would be great to figure out a fix for this.

-- Bruce


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<quote>I tested  the Floppy

<quote>I tested  the Floppy Emu on my  Apple IIe Enhanced and everything works perfectly. </quote>


What happens if you try the floppy controller from the //e with the floppy EMU attached, in the //GS? 


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