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Hi Magnus, my apologies for not seeing your message here earlier: I don't get notifications from this thread, and I don't visit it every day. Either way, I'm glad your AppleSqueezer GS arrived in the end! PostNL usually takes less than 14 days for most people (to the US), but I've seen some packages take a bit longer indeed. If you're having shipping questions, it's best to contact me directly through the AppleSqueezer website through the contact form. I'll then usually respond within a day and can investigate with the track & trace number, etc. But most importantly, you received it now and it works well (or so it sounds!) so that's great. Should you have any questions in the future, don't hesitate to contact me through the contact form. You can of course also share your experiences in this forum! (I just may not see it immediately)
Baldrick: thanks also for your feedback! True, the Transwarp GS has DMA, but what it doesn't have is 14MB of RAM, and it's generally slower, while producing a lot more heat. Also, I've received a lot of feedback from users saying that the AppleSqueezer is very stable, and in fact more stable than either the Transwarp GS or the Zip GS, at least for GS specific software (16-bit). It's even used by some people to run a BBS 24/7 :) Plugging into ROM01 machines generally isn't an issue, but it may be an issue if you have a very early machine that has a keyboard socket installed. In this case, the AppleSqueezer can be raised up a bit, as can be seen in the Action Retro video about the AppleSqueezer on YouTube. Some Apple installed CPU sockets are also of questionable quality which can affect how firm it sits in there, but most people don't have any issues with this. If you do, the AppleSqueezer package includes a high-quality CPU socket with machined pins with which the original can be replaced (or, alternatively, used to raise up the AppleSqueezer). In my own ROM01 and ROM03 machines, it fits very firmly and reliably. Finally, because the AppleSqueezer GS can be updated from your GS, new core versions are released whenever stability or other improvements are made. And, you can always check the FAQ on the website for compatibility information etc.
Kind regards,
What is stopping me from ordering is the folowing:
I use a "stealth" GS, in a IIe style case and it DOES have a keyboard connector. And 8 MB of memory, which is more than enough.
I also use a MicroDrive/Turbo which is DMA, so it is incompatible with the Apple Squeezer.
If I had a second IIGS system with a CFFA-3000 and an updated motherboard I would definitely consider it.
Someone posted a Youtube on how to install the Apple Squeezer into a Steath IIgs. I also believe that the MDT can be configured not to use DMA, albeit at some loss of performance. So 2 out of 3 of your issues may be addressable. And 8MB is indeed enough for virtually anything on a IIgs, but the 8MB card may be re-sellable... or maybe you just have an excuse now to buy another IIgs system and a CFFA-3k... or maybe not.
The Microdrive Turbo does have the option to disable DMA, just for what it's worth. The menu for DMA within the included utility has "Enable/Disable/ROM 01/ROM 03" as the available options of DMA Mode.
I'm quoting myself, but this is pertinent:
It makes me very sad that this isn't likely to be addressed anytime soon, from the way he is speaking.
Thanks for that important clarification, such a shame but it is what it is.