Proterm 1.1 vs 3.1

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Joined: Jun 12 2022 - 23:35
Posts: 111
Proterm 1.1 vs 3.1

 I am trying to get ProTerm 3.1 to work on an enhanced //e and an Apple Super Serial Card in slot 2.  It seems like the interrupts don't work properly for ProTerm 3.1, as it only seems to receive a character when it is sending a character.   For example, if I type "AT"<enter>, I can sometimes receive an "O" or "K" if I press enter afterwards, especially if the baud rate is low, for example 300 baud.  I can use ProTerm 1.1 at 2400 baud and there seems to be no problem, except that ProTerm 1.1 does not support RTS/CTS and so going at a higher baud rate than 2400 baud results in lost characters.


I have tried two different Super Serial Cards.  Unfortunately I don't have a //e with a plain 65C02 in it to swap in for the 65802, as I changed it over to a 65802 years ago to use Merlin 8/16, and I don't recall back then having any problem with ProTERM and high baud rates, though that was 30+ years ago and I could be a bit fuzzy about this. 


It's a weird problem.  I have also tried several ProTERM 3.1 installations from different sources and they all same more or less the same in this respect. Could another card be preventing the IRQ from being issued?  Does ProTerm 3.1 use interrupt based IO while ProTERM 1.1 does not?


Last seen: 15 min 7 sec ago
Joined: Jul 5 2018 - 09:44
Posts: 2643
I don't recall ever having

I don't recall ever having problems with ProTERM 3.1 with the SSC clone I had back in the day.  I also used it on a Laser 128 and 128EX, and the serial ports on those computers are like a //c...  limited.


Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
Joined: Jun 12 2022 - 23:35
Posts: 111
I have a request... Could

I have a request...


Could someone who has built a Dan ][ controller try out ProTerm 3.1 and see if they have problems with it not being able to communicate with a modem or a WiFiModem?  I would like to make sure that the Dan ][ controller is not causing the interrupts to get lost somehow.   The Dan ][ controller does not use interrupts and just passes them down the bus, but something unexpected could be happening, and if that's the case, I'd rather address it sooner rather than later.







Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
Joined: Jun 12 2022 - 23:35
Posts: 111
I figured it out

Apparently, the SSC switch 2-6 can switch interrupts on and off.  You can guess which setting I had.  After switching it on, it works fine.


Thanks.  Whoops :)

Last seen: 15 min 7 sec ago
Joined: Jul 5 2018 - 09:44
Posts: 2643
Glad that you got the problem

Glad that you got the problem figured out, and I will make sure if I run into any similar problems to check that switch setting.


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