Or early morning thread as this is the case.
I've got two exams and a programming project due tomorrow and I haven't really started on any of them. I'm kinda waiting for Nova to repeat on PBS, then I'll get right down to work.
No doubt about it.
Anyway anyone else up late tonight? Here's what I've been wasting my time away with, I'm sure these have been passed around at some time or another.
A coupla hours with Ninjas!!!
A few minutes with Hippos!!!
And an hour or two with the angriest and Best Website Ever!!!
I also wasted a lot of time at Ebaum's World! Check out the G.I. Joe PSAs "Porkchop sandwiches!!!"
Then I mosied on over to Kontraband! and laughed/gasped for a while.
Then I wrote this post as I ate some stale popcorn.
Sorry, that hippo link should point here!
I just found this on gorillmask this game is hard as ####!
A million dollars to whoever beats level 2!
How am I supposed to get work done when websites can link to each other thus providing me a steady and endless supply of ways to waste my time?
Bob From Accounting!
Exploding Dog!
Boing Boing!
OK, Nova's on then straight to work.