please anyone having an Apple IIe, could you try the below code and let me know what is the output?
On my Apple IIe I got 255 0 so i think that something on my game port is broken because I expect to get 127 127. What do you think about it?
Please try it without any joystick connected.
10 A = PDL (0)
20 B = PDL (1)
30 PRINT A;" ";B
40 GOTO 10
thank you
With nothing connected, you should get 255 on both. Which is what my //c and IIe just gave me. I didn't type your program, I just did a "print pdl(0)" and repeated with 1 from the basic prompt.
thank you for your help, but now i'm a bit confused because on my apple IIe i got "255 0", you got "255 255". i tried on the emulator and i got "127 127". what's the right values?
Someone else could make the test and report the results?
The emulator was probably emulating a joystick. Which is why you got 127/127. That would be the reading of a centered joystick.
255 is the max value and what the Apple would report if there was infinite resistance (ie nothing connected).
I just tested AppleWin after making sure the joystick was set to disabled. It also reported 255/255.
Hi Nick,
so on my apple IIe i have a correct value of 255 on a pin, now i have to investigate why i have 0 on the other one. it is possible that the 558 is the culprit.
If someone had the same issue, please let me know, i'll do some check in the next days.
thank you
I've never had issues with my joysticks. But from everything I've read, the 558 is almost always the culprit when there are issues.
more info on the tests i made.
PDL(0) 255 - turning the potentiometer the value correctly change
PDL(1) 0 - turning the potentiometer do not works
PDL(2) 255 - turning the potentiometer the value correctly change
PDL(3) 0 - turning the potentiometer do not works
sw0 works, when i press it i got peek(49249) > 127
does anyone have any idea about it?
Hi guys,
just to close the thread, i replaced the ne558 and now it works fine.
thank you